Page 54 of The Girl Next Door
Now, the madnesswashere.
“It’s just an abandoned house people sometimes drink and smoke in. Nothing more,” Billy said.
“I heard you guys fighting about her going there without you,” Nicole whispered.
Billy didn’t hear her, and Kyrie gave them a dirty look. Probably because Billy said they smoked.
“That house freaks me out. I won’t go in it. It gives me nightmares,” Jessica said.
“Watching those fucking movies gives you nightmares,” Billy mocked. “I should tell dad.”
“Like he gives a fuck,” Jessica replied, and I could hear the hurt in her voice. She wished he gave a fuck.
“So, does anyone own the house?” I asked, glancing at Nicole, who had gone silent again.
“Someone has to. I don’t know; it’s never been for sale. It’s been a shithole since I was a kid,” Billy said.
“Should we find out who owns it?” Kyrie asked, leaning back into her chair. Then, after a second, she snapped her finger. “Mrs. Sampson works for the city. She attends Sunday service every week. And Wednesday nights, too.”
“What are you gonna do? Kindly ask her for personal details on a gross house in town?” Jessica asked.
“I don’t think that’s a bad idea,” I said, looking at Kyrie.
“I’ll just say I’ve always wondered who owns the creepy house on Archer and see if she says anything. It’s worth a shot, right?” Kyrie asked, hopeful.
Billy leaned forward. “Or, while you’re playing pretty pastor’s daughter and asking her your little question, I can steal a key to the courthouse.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Jessica groaned.
“No, I’m serious. I can do it. Just get her out of her pew for a few minutes, and if she leaves her purse behind, bam. I got it. I’ll pretend I dropped something.”
Kyrie sighed. “You’re forgetting about the absolutely absurd part of that plan—you being at my dad’s service.”
“That’s why we gotta work up to it. Find a reason for me to be there. Which is where you come in,” he said, pointing to his sisters.
“Jesus Christ, what?” Jessica asked.
Billy raised his other hand, pointing at Kyrie. “You three gotta be friends.” Jessica and Kyrie cried out in protest as Nicole stayed silent. Billy ignored them. “Yes, you three become friends. But, Jess, you gotta stop acting like a carbon copy of me and start acting like you want the lord to save your soul. Nicole, you’re fine. Keep … doing you.”
Nicole reached for her drink, smiling.
“No one is going to buy that shit,” Jessica replied.
“Yeah, they will. You just gotta sell it. And pretty boy here is already chummy with God girl, so it’ll be fine. We’re already laying the groundwork by being seen here now.”
“I like it,” I said, earning a high five from Billy.
The girls grumbled in their seats but didn’t say no.
Before Billy could regale us with more of the plan formulating in his head, I stopped him. “Before we do anything, I want to see this house.”
* * *
Billy and his sisters pulled out of the Nest, followed by Kyrie and me. I could understand my friend’s hesitation, her annoyance. But there was something else. She had some sort of beef with Jessica, but I didn’t have time to question her about it on the short ride through the town’s lone stoplight before we turned left toward the school.
When we pulled up to the house, I looked out the window. The house could certainly be described as creepy in the right light. I’d missed the house because I rarely went down the main road, or any of the side streets on this end of the school. I always cut across the highway to my house and took the street by Kyrie’s house to get to the Nest and on to the bar.
Billy, Jessica, and Nicole got out of the Camaro on the road just ahead of us. Jessica crossed her arms, eyeing the house as Billy waved his arms wide like he was showing off some art he made, like he’d made the damn place creepy. Nicole stayed in the car, looking out the window.