Page 90 of The Girl Next Door
After driving by the café to see if Valerie was there and safe, Kyrie and I drove up the drive to the school, parking in the student lot. When we walked in, the hallways were no longer lined with students. Instead, it was eerily quiet until we made it to the gym.
We walked in, halting at the top of the stairs that led to the bleachers to search for our friends. I found Nicole and Jessica in the crowd, and we headed to them, taking the two seats they had saved for us. “What going on?” I asked Jessica, who was closest to the seat I took.
“I don’t know,” she said, annoyed. “Where the hell did you go?”
“Kyrie’s house,” I said, and Jessica narrowed her eyes.
Nicole leaned over Kyrie, who was next to me. “Principal Garrison said he had an announcement. And the Mayor is going to be here.”
I shivered, but I didn’t have long to dwell on the thought because Principal Garrison walked onto the basketball court, followed by Mayor Wynn. The whispers of our classmates dulled as the Mayor stepped up to the mic.
Beside me, Kyrie reached for my hand, and I tried to bear it.
I saw Jessica glance at us before looking ahead.
“Students of Hart Hollow High. It is with deep regret that I meet with you today. I know it’s been a difficult day. Unfortunately, one of your fellow students is gone.” He cleared his throat, reaching for his tie. “Amber Hughes was taken too soon, and the investigation into her murder will be the sole focus of the Hart Hollow Sheriff’s department. I know there has been speculation about other disappearances in the past, and I want to state that at this time, we see no relation between the murder of Miss Hughes and any other missing persons.”
Beside me, Jessica swore. “If Billy were here …”
Kyrie leaned forward, shushing Jessica.
I tried to ignore them.
“For the time being, we will instate a city-wide curfew on any underage individuals. No one is out past nine o’clock in the evening without parental supervision. No sleepovers. No parties. No cruising. The Raven’s Nest will close at eight o’clock sharp every night so everyone can get home safely.”
A collective groan resounded through the auditorium, mostly from guys. They weren’t worried. It wasn’t as if they were in danger—as Nicole had pointed out.
The Mayor raised his palms. “I know, I know. Of course, you all want to go out and have fun. But still, I urge you to remember it’s not safe right now, and having Hart Hollow be a safe town for your parents to raise their families and for you to raise families in the future is our top priority.”
“What about the winter formal?” I heard someone ask from the back of the bleachers.
Principal Garrison cleared his throat, and the Mayor nodded at him.
“The winter formal in December will be the one exception to the curfew. The tragedy of Amber Hughes is in all of our hearts, and we will take every precaution. We are going to have a safe and orderly dance. The PTA is organizing more parents to be on standby to ensure everyone is watched and cared for. So, let your parents know. Urge them to sign up.”
“What a buzzkill,” someone said behind me, and there was laughter.
I clenched my fist and pulled my hand from Kyrie’s.
I’d wanted to ask Sorina to be my date for the winter formal, held the question on the tip of my tongue in the pool, in her room, late nights spent by her, wondering what was going through her head.
Now, I didn’t know. The image of her sharp teeth flashed in my mind, and I closed my eyes, lost in it. I adjusted in my seat.
I still wanted to see her, talk to her, listen, and be afraid.
Mynormallife was unraveling; it couldn’t last. Nothing lasts.
Fuck Tabula Rasa.
“For now, we are going to go home early. Buses will take you home if you feel safe. If not, you can call your parents to pick you up or go home at your normal time. If you’re leaving later, you can stay here in the gym. No leaving to your locker without checking out with a teacher at the door.”
“It’s like a prison,” Jessica whispered.
Kyrie looked at her. “They’re being safe.”
“Amber wasn’t taken from school. She was last seen in the fucking woods. Just like Sam.”
“I guess I won’t go into the woods then,” Kyrie remarked.