Page 1 of Severu
Chapter One
Three years ago
I wish I had been born a man. Being female, and in the police force, was never going to be a walk in the park. Add to the fact that I am an attractive female—by social standards, that is—and it’s utter fucking hell.
All I want is to be taken seriously. Instead, I’m treated with kid gloves. The men look at me like a sexual object, the other women hate me, and my superiors act like I’m incompetent. What I need is an opportunity to prove myself, but that is harder than finding a decent man in this shitty city.
“Blake!” my commander yells from his office.
His voice grates on my nerves, and I pray to everything holy that the transfer papers I put in over a month ago get approved. Without showing any of the disdain I’m feeling, I make my way to his office door.
Even though it is wide open, I still knock on the frame.
“Come in and close the door,” he says without looking up from the paperwork he is working through. “Take a seat.”
For the next three minutes, I sit in front of his desk in silence waiting for him to finish whatever the fuck he is doing. My irritation is starting to flare, but I try my best to tamp it down. Instead, I cast my gaze around his office.
His overly large, solid wood desk takes up most of the space, but there are some personal touches around the room. A framed photograph of the mayor shaking his hand, one of his family, and some framed certificates. He is an accomplished officer, but I have never liked him. There are too many rumors of him being dirty.
Commander Clark clears his throat before finally speaking.
“Your request to transfer has passed over my desk three times.”
I don’t say a word. I learned a long time ago that there are times to simply keep your mouth shut. Clark watches me closely, dissecting every minuscule move I make.
“Is there a reason you want to leave my precinct so badly?” he asks, leaning forward on his elbows.
“Can I speak freely?” I ask even though I know my honest answer will get me exactly nowhere.
Commander Clark nods in reply.
Drawing in a deep calming breath, I let loose. “I’m never going to get anywhere in my career in this precinct. I didn’t go through the academy and score the highest in my graduating class to ride a desk. I am passed over for any assignment that doesn’t involve children or domestic abuse.”
“And you don’t find those assignments important?” Clark questions.
“Of course, they are important!” I realize I have raised my voice and take another calming breath. “But I am the only officer in your precinct that hasn’t done anything else in the past two years.”
Commander Clark raises a brow.
“I pay attention,” I supply. “It is my job, after all.”
“Fine.” Clark scribbles on a piece of paper. “If you want out so bad, be here at six tonight. Vice is looking for a female officer to replace the one they had.”
I quickly grab the paper from his hand, tucking it into the pocket of my blue service pants.
“Thank you,” I say before moving to leave.
“Don’t thank me yet,” Clark calls after me.
I don’t reply or give him a chance to change his mind. I head toward my desk, grab my shit, and head home. I only have two hours to get myself ready, mentally and physically, for what could be the interview of my life.
Chapter Two
My irritation is at a full ten today. There are too many people in the house, and I am incapable of making sure that my brother and his family are safe. But it is Jennifer, my niece’s, first birthday, so I don’t have a choice.