Page 18 of Severu
“What do you mean all right?” Guilia demands. “Tell him you’re not a cop. You can’t be.”
For the first time since Severu stormed up to me and demanded an answer, I turn to Guilia. In her eyes sit unshed tears. I wish there was a way to make this easier for her, for me, for all of us, but there isn’t. Instead, I give her the truth that will allow her to hate me instead of mourning me after I die today.
“I’m sorry, Guilia. I can’t do that. My name is Lira Blake, and I’m an undercover vice agent.”
I watch a lone tear roll down her face as she tries to accept my words. Guilia stands swiftly and marches across the grass toward the house. The patio door slams so hard that the glass shatters and falls to the tiles beneath.
“Fix this,” Alceu commands before following in his wife’s footsteps.
Rage is painted across Severu’s features. I never thought it would be this hard. The sting of knowing he thinks I have or will betray him is almost enough to bring me to my knees. But I won’t. I will hold my head high as I march to my execution.
“Where do you want to do this?” I ask as I stand before him.
“Do what?”
“Kill me.”
Severu hasn’t spoken a word as we drive down twisted farm lanes. I don’t know where he’s taking me, and I don’t care. My team thinks I’m deep undercover and can’t report in. They’ll probably wait another two weeks before getting too concerned. I have no family or friends.
“Get out,” Severu says lowly.
I didn’t even realize the vehicle had come to a stop. Looking around, I want to smile. At least he brought me somewhere pretty to die. Fields of lavender surround us as far as the eye can see. The black SUV is parked beneath a big oak tree.
“Tell me, Lira, if that is even your real name,” he seethes. “How long did you think you could get away with this?”
“Yes, Severu, my name is Lira. I fucked up that first night,” I reply, not looking at him. “And my answer doesn’t matter. You’ve already made up your mind.”
“Don’t try to manipulate me!”
“I’m not.” My gaze collides with his. “What do you want me to say? That I haven’t reported a single thing to my superiors?”
“How could you? You didn’t have access to a phone.”
Laughter leaves me. “I’m a fucking vice agent. I use a phone at least once a day in that house.” I point in the general direction we came from. “Agent Spears asked me flat-out if I knew anything about a body dumped in an old industrial building. Told me the victim had his head crushed in like a melon.”
“And?” he asks.
“You wouldn’t be here if I had told the truth, now, would you?”
The action is so fast that I almost miss it. Suddenly, I’m staring down the barrel of the gun he always carries with him.
“And why wouldn’t you tell him? It’s your job to send men like me to prison for the rest of our lives.” Severu has a calmness cloaking him as he asks the question. It’s unnerving and scarier than when I saw him kill the man in the alley.
Taking a deep breath, I tell him the only truth I have left.
“Because I’m not sure that you are the bad guy.”
Chapter Eighteen
I drive for hours, trying to get my thoughts back in order. Putting an end to this mess with Lira is the only logical option. Then why do I feel like such a bastard? I’m a fucking criminal, for God’s sake. I don’t fall for pretty girls working behind the bar in brothels. I certainly don’t let cops fool me and fall into fucking bed with them.
Walking back into our family home, I feel a pain in my chest and wonder if this is what heartache and longing feel like.
I want nothing more than to go to my room and sleep for the next week. But the memories of Lira in my bed have me heading instead toward the library. Pouring myself a stiff drink, I push all thoughts of her away. I welcome the burn the alcohol causes down my throat.