Page 22 of Severu
“I mean, she clearly didn’t give her superiors any information,” he continues. “And she quit the force.”
“She what?” I stop dead in my tracks to face him.
“Yeah, Guilia told me.” He looks shocked by my change in demeanor.
Before I can ask any further questions, my cell phone rings. Ripping it out of my pocket, I see that it isn’t a number I recognize. For a moment, I contemplate not answering, rather launching into Mancuso for more tidbits about Lira, but I decide to get it. It could be important.
“What?’ I ask impatiently.
Hearing her voice has my knees feeling weak. This isn’t what I was expecting when I answered my cell.
“Are you busy?” Lira asks nervously. “I’m sorry to bother you. I can call back.”
“No! Just hold on a second.” I press the phone to my chest. “I’ll talk to you later,” I say to Mancuso as I head into Allegra’s office.
Seeing the space is empty, I turn and quickly lock the door before putting my phone back against my ear. “Lira, are you still there?”
There is silence down the line, neither of us knowing what to say. I listen to her breathe. I wonder what she’s thinking. I wonder if she misses me. But I won’t say anything. I wait for her to speak first.
“I don’t know why this is so hard,” she mumbles down the line.
“What’s hard?” I ask back.
“I have something I need to tell you, but I’m terrified. You are going to be so fucking pissed,” she rasps.
“So, you’re finally going to turn me in?” My insides are tight, and I want to rage at the world.
“No!” she exclaims. “It has nothing to do with that. I’m not even a cop anymore.”
“I heard.” Taking a deep breath, I jump into the conversation. “Just tell me what you need to say. If I know what is going on, then we can try to work it out.”
“I’m pregnant.”
Chapter Twenty-One
Two weeks of silence. Severu didn’t say anything after I dropped the P-bomb on him. He just grunted, and the line went dead. And I haven’t heard a damn peep from him. I blame this all on Guilia. If she hadn’t forced my hand, I would have waited until I could see him face-to-face.
Now I’m stuck in a fucking limbo. He didn’t say a damn word. Does he want to be part of his child’s life? Or is he just done?
My phone chimes in my handbag, and I retrieve it to check the message.
Severu:I don’t know where to start. I know that our phone call didn’t end well. Could we meet up and talk?
My heart beats a mile a minute. It’s one thing talking to him, and I know that I keep putting up a brave façade. But I don’t know if I could face him. See him again? That might not be good for me.
My hormones are on a rollercoaster. If we meet face to face, I may throw myself at him, but I might also stab him.
Lira:I don’t know if that’s the best idea.
Severu:You’re pregnant with my baby. I think we need to talk.
Lira:There isn’t really anything to talk about. Either you want to be part of your child’s life, or you don’t.