Page 6 of Severu
“I work behind the bar at Nocturn.”
The doctor looks confused as Guilia nods her head. “Your real name, if you’re comfortable with that,” she says to me before turning to the doctor. “She is one of our girls.”
The explanation has the doctor nodding in understanding.
“My name is Lira,” I supply shakily.
“Okay, Lira. My name is Guilia. I am Severus’s sister-in-law.”
I nod at her words. I can’t give away that I know everything about this family. Our surveillance on them has been extensive but I’m in enough trouble as it is without having them find out that I’m a cop.
“Whitey is going to look you over and make sure you are okay,” she continues. “Can you tell us what happened?”
I launch into the story while the doctor looks me over, leaving out the part about my insane jealousy. Guilia listens carefully before nodding and leaving the room with the doctor in tow. The doctor has given me some pain medication for the bump on my head, and it soon starts to kick in. Even through the fuzziness of the medication, my mind is running a mile a minute, and I know that I must find a way to get out of here as soon as possible before I end up dead. But before I can formulate a better plan, the blackness of sleep pulls me under yet again.
Chapter Six
The flooring in our kitchen may need to be replaced after all the pacing I have been doing today. I want to be upstairs making sure that Lira is okay. The need to be close to her, to ensure her safety, is riding me hard, and it takes everything out of me to not just go back in there.
“Severu.” Guilia interrupts my thoughts from the entrance of the kitchen. “She is fine. She took a knock to the head, and she is shaken but healthy overall. Whitey gave her some meds for the pain, and she should be asleep by now.
Guilia is the only person who calls Doctor White Whitey. And every time she does, the old family doctor blushes profusely.
“Are you sure?” I ask, falling into one of the chairs in the breakfast nook.
“Yes. But I’m fucking pissed,” she says loudly. “Who the fuck was this guy? And what the hell does he think gives him the right to treat any woman, not to mention one of ours, in this way?” Guilia bangs cupboards with more violence than necessary as she starts the kettle, clearly taking her frustration out on the doors.
“I don’t know. But I do know that I have fucked up royally.”
“How did you fuck up?” she asks with a frown. “Lira says you kicked the shit out of him and then sent him on his way with the threat of true violence if you ever saw his face again. I’m actually proud of you.”
The words are stuck in my throat as I consider telling her the truth. There is only one camera in that alley, it’s dark, and his body is a far bit down to the back. If I leave now, I can get rid of the body, and no one ever has to know that I killed him. I can’t leave though. Not with Lira asleep in one of our guest rooms. She seems nice enough, and she has kept my secret, but I don’t know if I can trust her around my family.
“There never should have been an incident,” I reply instead, trying to keep Guilia from getting too nosy.
“You’re right, but now that it has, we know what the problem is and how to sort it out.” Her hand lands on my shoulder. “You can’t protect everyone.”
And with those last words, she leaves the room, carrying her mug of coffee. She doesn’t get it though. I need to protect the people I care for—it’s a part of my DNA. Instead of wondering too long on the fact that a woman I barely know is suddenly part of the small group of people I care for, I pull my phone from my pocket and dial the only person I trust to help me out of this mess and not ask questions.
“Yes,” the man I have known since I was ten answers after the second ring.
“I need a personal favor.”
“If I knew making friends with you would come back to be such a pain in the ass, I wouldn’t have ever done it,” Kelly “Beast”Smith replies blandly.
“I’ll owe you one.”
“Pope wants a meet with your brother. The Gypsy Bastards should be responsible for your shipments through our territory.”
He doesn’t beat around the bush. But I knew what he would want in return before I placed the call, so this doesn’t come as a surprise to me. “Done.”
“What do you need?” Beast asks.
“I need you to get rid of a body for me.” This could be one of my worst ideas yet. He could use this against me in the future, but I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Our “friendship,”as he puts it, was forged a long time ago. Even though it never should have held, it always has.
“Don’t you have people for that?” he asks.