Page 32 of Brittle Hope
I shivered as I pulled out and stepped aside, for Thatcher. Instead of climbing on the same bed, I flopped on the other one, completely spent.
“I can’t wait. I’m so fucking turned on right now,” Thatcher said, but I wasn’t sure who he was talking to, if he was talking to anyone at all. “Here, Love. Let’s get you up on the pillows so Rhys can watch everything we do together,” his voice dropped as he picked Astrid up and set her against the pillows. Not too much, but just elevated enough so she was comfortable.
Then it was like I stopped existing in the same room at all.
He kissed her, turning his head to do it deep, their tongues tangling together. One of his hands dropped to line himself up, then he was pushing inside. All the while, she was touching him as much as she could before wrapping her arms tight around his shoulders with one leg around his waist. The leg closest to me locked around his thigh.
They were waves crashing against each other, touching from hip to chest while he rolled his hips, grinding against her with each thrust.
I scrubbed my hand over my face as my cock threatened to come back to life. Their desperate noises making the back of my neck hot.
Even at the wildest parties, I’d never experienced anything like this. The voyeurism because it was Astrid, cranked my temperature so high I could melt the entire ice rink.
They could have made love—because without a doubt, that was what they were doing. There were no other words that could even come close to doing justice to the connection they’d displayed so freely—for minutes or hours. I had no fucking idea as I was just as lost to it as they were.
When Astrid got close her toes started to curl, and Thatcher’s speed picked up along with his low moans.
Did her toes curl with me? I didn’t think I’d ever paid attention, but I would next time. Shit.
Thatcher pushed hard against her once, twice, then three times before he froze. She was now wrapped around him like a pretzel, as if she was scared he would pull away at any second.
Witnessing them come down from their sexual high was just as intimate if not more than the act as they traded soft touches and kisses. I couldn’t take it anymore.
“I need a shower. But we’re doing this again. I just learned I have a thing for group sex,” I said. They didn’t answer.
They probably didn’t even know I’d said anything, stuck in their own world.
But damn. That was hot, and I couldn’t wait to do it again.
“Hey! You awake?” I banged on Jonah’s door as I shuffled down the hallway. I was somewhere between ready to crawl back in bed since it was before eight on a Saturday morning, and ready to take on all our demons because today is the mother fucking day I start collaborating.
With a TikToker who has millions of followers. Millions.
I mean, I almost have a million, but it doesn’t seem like it. Every time I look at the app, I have to scrub my eyes and pretend it’s not real.
Something thumped against the door, and I chuckled. That was probably his pillow. As much as he wakes up early for school, he has a terribly nasty attitude about it. What was he going to do when he had to get a real job?
Something artsy fartsy like Thatcher, Astrid, and me wouldn’t cut it for him. That meant working a regular nine-to-fiver.
I was prepping my coffee with sugar and my favorite creamer when Jonah stumbled out, already dressed with a mutinous expression on his face.
“You’re lucky I enjoy having a brother. But don’t get your hopes up. The novelty will wear off quicky,” he griped as he scratched his chest.
“And here I also made you a coffee. Black like your soul and the sharpened end of your pencil.” I pushed a travel mug closer to him.
He smirked, and I grinned.
Yeah, having a brother wasn’t so bad.
“You think we’ll be there long today? I had some projects I wanted to work on, and I also need to coordinate the trip to DU.” He took a sip and sighed. He relied on the stuff too much, but who was I to say anything? I had my own vices as well. Mainly waking up next to Pretty Girl, but sometimes that was impossible.
“Nah, a couple hours tops. You don’t have to go with me if you have other things to do,” I said as I screwed the lid on my mug and headed toward the door. If he came, cool, but he could stay behind too.
When I looked back, he was scowling at me while hopping to put his shoes on. “Since Astrid had already committed to going with Rhys, I’m with you. We support each other.”
I laughed. “When did you change your tune so abruptly? It wasn’t so long ago that you were set on focusing on your own dreams and aspirations. Remember? Said you didn’t want to date Astrid.”
“Yeah, well…That was before I…Fuck. I don’t know what changed. It just did. I like life better with you guys than I did among a stack of books and pretentious people who think they’re better than the rest of the population because they’re smarter. It’s pretty cold.”