Page 65 of Brittle Hope
Astrid didn’t move, just sucked harder. And I clenched the back of the couch, probably leaving permanent impressions of my fingers.
I gasped, Astrid hummed, Beck groaned. We were a cacophony of sex sounds, and I had to laugh. This was the best sex of my life, and it was just barely over.
“What’s so funny?” Beck wiped sweat from his reddened face.
“How creative are you?” I asked Astrid, stroking her cheek as she pushed herself away from me. Beck dislodged as he stepped back to give her room.
“Huh?” She still didn’t have any brain cells. I understood that. I wasn’t faring much better.
“That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had. How are we going to top that? We’re going to have to get creative.” She gave me a lazy grin as she started to lay down on the couch.
“Don’t do that, I need to clean you up.” Beck rushed down the hallway to grab to a washcloth.
“Here,” I said as I climbed down and gathered her in my arms. It was almost eight. We’d already eaten. We were going to bed. Even if it was to cuddle only and not sleep. I wasn’t about to lay on an old dirty couch with Astrid after that.
There wasn’t room for Beck anyway.
I kicked his door open with my foot and laid her on his bed as he followed us in. He cleaned her up and pressed a kiss to her forehead as she tossed the washcloth in the clothes hamper in the corner. He hadn’t always had one, but since Astrid was coming over more and more, he added it so his floor wasn’t a wasteland for dirty clothes.
He bumped into me as he turned around and we both jumped away from each other. I grimaced as Astrid laughed. Yeah, I didn’t think this was funny. Having a threesome with my brother was one thing, but our dicks accidentally touching as they swung around grossed me out.
“Yeah….I’m gonna put on some underwear. Seeing your dick while we make love to Astrid is one thing, but just lounging around with you naked is crossing a line I’d rather leave firmly intact.”
“Agreed.” I nodded and jogged to my room to grab a pair of boxer briefs.
Astrid was still giggling when I came back. “What if I wanted us all to be naked together?”
“I’m sorry, Pretty Girl,” Beck said as he climbed in behind her, flipping the covers over them. I lifted my side, sliding in and pulling the blankets up to my shoulders so she wouldn’t get cold. "If you want the full naked experience, you’ll have to pick a different grouping than me and Jonah. It’s just not gonna happen.”
“Fine,” she huffed playfully. “I’ll just have to ask Thatcher and Rhys for that experience.”
“Now wait, I meant with me included. Just not me and Jonah together.”
I rolled my eyes. “Way to cut me out, brother.”
“You can have your own weiner fest with them without me. Threesomes or groupsomes are fine, then we find our underwear.” He nodded firmly over her head.
“I can’t argue with that,” I sighed and scooted in close to Astrid. It wasn’t long before we were pushing the blankets down. It was just too hot with three of us in bed.
Beck’s light snores filled the room, and I was almost asleep myself when Astrid spoke.
“You think my dad will try to come to graduation?” Her tone was neutral, so I couldn’t gleam how she felt about it. I hoped he wouldn’t. He didn’t deserve her in his life.
“I don’t know.” I laid a hand on her hip as she snuggled into Beck’s chest. Although, with how much her dad cared about public opinion, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried.
“He called me today,” she confessed into the dark room.
“Did you answer?”
“No, and I’m not going to,” she said as fire lit her words.
“Good. Don’t. He’s not worth it.” She nodded, settling deeper into the bed as she relaxed.
Only, I was awake now. How were we going to keep him from ruining an important milestone for Astrid when he was already trying to contact her?
Maybe it was nothing and he had a random question. But my gut was telling me otherwise.
“That’s it. That was my last exam.” Ryan flopped down next to me on the grass.