Page 10 of War of the Mazza
His father stepped from around him and pulled me away from Nato. He engulfed me in a hug so tight, it must have been what children felt when their parents held them. It was safe, warm, and comforting.
Tears prickled my eyes.
The Smith’s had been good to me, as much as they could have been with being so old, but they never cared for me like this.
“It’s a pleasure to meet ya. I haven’t seen Egan in two years, and our life wasn’t a pleasant one. Not the later years. I’ve never seen him smile like this. Thank you,” his said in a gruff voice for my ears only.
“Egil. I hope I don’t have to tell you that Iss has all the bonds she needs. Six, in fact.”
I opened my eyes just in time to see Nato groan and Sage roll his eyes. I laughed, but it came out choked.
“Six?” Egil stepped back, slowly releasing me and taking his place by his daughters. His gaze moved between Egan, Nato, Jari, and Sage. His nose crinkled as his gaze landed on Cabbie, towering over him in his tight black outfit and stiletto shoes.
“No, no, sweet cheeks. Not me.” Cabbie shook his head.
His brows raised at Cabbie’s favorite term of endearment. I guess Cabbie was of the age where he could go for the son…or the father.
Then Egil glanced around our small group, gaze landing on Rand. My sweetheart gave him a tentative smile and small finger wave.
“That’s five,” he said in a stronger brogue. But he continued to look around the group, completely skipping over Yunez. The squirrel started smiling so big, the LL shook their heads and dropped their gazes. Sage even covered his face with his hands. “Then where’s the sixth?”
Yunez stepped forward, clearing his throat, but Egan saved his dad from whatever ridiculous thing he was about to say. One thing I’d learned, Yunez loved to have fun whenever he could. It probably broke up the dire future he currently couldn’t see.
“Yunez, Da. Yunez is the sixth.”
Egil gasped, his eyes rounding as big as the Fennin moon. “No,” he said disbelieving.
“Oh honey, it’s true.” Cabbie clapped him on the back. “When they give you a room, just don’t get placed next to theirs. Yunez…he’s very vocal.”
I slowly closed my eyes. The mortification was real. Cabbie wouldn’t even know that! They were down the hall and too far to hear anything of substance. Right?
“So, um. You…and your friends…um…all…” Laila started, her faced beet red. But she couldn’t finish her thought out loud. Freyja grinned, her face just as uncomfortably red.
Clearing his throat, Egan nudged his sisters toward his father. It was adorable! As much as I was embarrassed, I loved how the tips of Egan’s ears pinkened. “Here Da, let me walk you to a room. It’s time for bed, and I’d love to catch up with you.”
“I’ll go with you. The suite next to mine is empty.” Cabbie glanced questioningly at Yunez, who nodded.
Egan shot me a sweet look as he glanced between me and his family. I made the decision easy for him.
Walking over, I pressed a chaste kiss to his lips and turned to his dad and sisters. “It’s nice you meet you all, I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast.”
“Pleasure,” Freyja grinned and winked.
“Same,” Laila said softly.
“Come on now, I’ll help get you settled in. If all goes well, tomorrow, Iss can show you how lethal she is with the nipple clamps.” Cabbie slung an arm over Egil’s shoulders, who choked on his spit.
"Cabbie,” I groaned, but they were already several feet away. He looked over his shoulder and smirked. The man didn’t see anything wrong with using sex toys in all different capacities. But he knew it embarrassed me, and shit, he loved to toss it out.
Jari chuckled as he sidled up next to me. “You mean, you don’t want to follow them after that comment?”
“Hell no. I’m not sure I can even show my face in the morning. Egil and his sisters are going to think I have wild orgies with you all while clamping your nipples.” I peeled my top lip back in despair.
“You’re saying you don’t have group sex with your mates?” Yunez cuddled up to my back and placed his chin on my shoulder. Many of the Mannos glanced our way, unable to keep their gazes off of their fearless leader.
They’d have to get used to this part of Yunez at some point. I was convinced. At least, that was what I was hoping for.
I turned to give him a flat stare. I was not ashamed of him, them or anything we did together. But I wasn’t going to let him put me on the spot. It tickled him too much, the ass.