Page 12 of War of the Mazza
Standing up from my spot on the couch, I went over to sit next to him, leaning my head against his shoulder as he twined his arm around mine. It wasn’t anything sexual. I just needed the contact, and after not seeing him very often, I thought he needed it too.
“I love you all.” Yunez coughed. “And you do not make anything easy on me.”
Tipping my head back, I caught the faint blush under his skin. “We love you too,” I answered for everyone.
He laughed, then choked. “Good. I am glad I can foster such tender feelings when I have neglected you all. Iamtruly sorry. For someone who should be so smart and intuitive, I am afraid I can be quite dense. I have always relied on the sight, and without it, I am as clueless as a tween boyfriend.”
We all chuckled, and I splayed my hand on his knee.
“I think we can forgive you,” Rand said wryly with a crooked smile.
“Good. I am forever grateful. Now, let me do what I should have done from the beginning. What do you want to do?”
“Should we have this decision without Egan?” I picked my head up, glancing at the door, as if Egan would walk through at any minute.
The door opened, and Egan walked through.
I froze.
That was coincidence. But how odd. A strange sensation rolled through my body, like I was expecting this to be some sort of beginning where my powers awakened.
Yunez cast me a speculative glance but didn’t say anything.
Everyone else stared at Egan.
“What?” He pulled up short, swiping a hand over the back of his head, his smile falling but doing nothing to take away from his radiant joy.
“Nothing,” Rand murmured. “What did you come back for? Aren’t you going to spend the night with your family?”
His smile coming right back to life, Egan came over and plucked me from the sofa, and settled me over his lap. He pressed a soft kiss to the crook of my neck with a low, playful growl.
“We’re going to chat in the morning. They’re tired from traveling, and as much as I wanted to stay with them, I needed to be here more. Anyway, it’s weird to watch my da and sisters sleep.” He paused. “Why, am I interrupting something?”
“No, you’re just in time actually.” Nato said slowly. “Yunez?”
Yunez shook his head. “Your fellow Lusty Legioneers have sufficiently shamed me and put me in my place. I hear none of you are happy. I assume this is your feelings too?”
Egan sighed, nuzzling his cheek against the back of my head. “Everyone except for Rand has gotten tired of our routine, Yunez. You’re damn good at what you do, but right now, we feel like you’re taking on everything without us. Like we’re not good enough to help you.”
I rolled my lips together, trying to hide any expression on my face. That was exactly what I was battling with. What I thought we were all battling with.
It was almost comical. It just took one battle to hand us our asses and steal our confidence.
“That was never my intentions. I am truly sorry.” Yunez bowed his head. “What can I do to make it up to you all?”
“Include us,” Sage said. He stood from his place on the couch and walked over to Yunez, tugging him up off the couch and into a tight hug. “You’re the best of us, and we need you to teach us. Or let us help you. Give us a purpose.”
“I can do that,” Yunez said gruffly. “Starting tomorrow. I will join you for the morning session. Train with you, in truth, and then you all will come with me to speak to my generals. At some point, we must take our places with the Fennin society. You might as well take your place at my side now. Here, with my generals, will be the test run.”
“Wakey, wakey, biscuits and gravy,”Cabbie sang.
“Who let him in here?” Sage grumbled, snuggling right up to my ass.
Yunez chuckled. “I did. I was up already. If you all want to start your place at my side, as my partners and co-leaders, then you better get up.” Yunez whipped the blankets off, and I screamed, clutching my bare breasts.
“Honey, don’t worry. I’ve seen perkier tits than yours on the Cherries.” Cabbie waved my concern away.
I gasped in groggy outrage as he leered at Egan’s backside.