Page 14 of War of the Mazza
“I believe your men will be fine without you for a bit.” Wade looked over the table, studying each man. The stare wasn’t unkind, but there was definitely something working behind his eyes that I couldn’t decipher.
“I’ll be leaving today, Yunez. I’ll speak with Toste in private, but it would be better if he heard from you sooner rather than later. When can we expect you all to join us?” Wade snapped his napkin out before spreading it over his lap.
Doing the same, Yunez also filled his goblet with juice. “Soon. There are some things we need to address first, then we’ll be on our way to Senadia.”
“I can hold him off for a week, maybe two. If you take too much time though…” Wade trailed off.
“I have no plans to leave you to explain everything to Toste. That would be counterproductive to our goals, and I would not ask that of you regardless.”
The servers came around and filled our plates with seared slices of ham and eggs. They set baskets of rolls in the center, and I grabbed one with the butter tub. Other servers were already making their way around the room servicing the Mannos.
Nato caught my eye and grinned. I couldn’t help it. His smile was contagious and all I could think about was how he loved to describe food, and cooking.
“Da!” Egan greeted, pushing out of his chair. “Laila, Freyja.” He gave each of them hugs. “Come sit.”
I waved, and they all smiled in return. “Did you all sleep well?” Look at me being all domestic and shit. I could do this. I could build normal healthy relationships with my LL’s families. You know, at least the ones who weren’t trying to take over the world and dominate the human realm.
“Like a babe,” Egil said. “The spread looks delicious. As good as your mum would have made,” Egil said thickly as he cupped the back of Egan’s neck. The girls looked down at their plates, staying quiet. Were they hiding tears? Did they miss their mother the way Egan did?
Egan cleared his throat, his cheeks pinkening. “No, nothing beats mum’s cooking. Nato comes close, but that’s it.”
Nato reached across Sage to grip Egan’s shoulder. My dark haired mate sent Egan as much comfort as he could in an understanding look.
Conversation turned to fluffy things. Who had the hardest hit on the training field, when I would whip out the nun chucks, how long before the Mannos put on another show, especially now that Egan’s family was here.
And from the way the girls were eyeing some of the men, I imagined it wouldn’t be too long. Several of the Mannos were just as enamored, making points to stand, flex, and strut close to our table. So much so, that Egan started to growl at the crowd.
Egil laughed. “Son, they’re adults. You’re bonded. It’s not like we can keep them locked in the tower. They have too much of your mum in them to stand for that.”
Freyja smirked and Laila outright grinned.
“I’m afraid we’ve spent as much time as we could with you all.” Yunez glanced at the position of the suns through the window. “Our generals are waiting on us.”
We all exchanged looks. We finally got what we ask for when there are people here we wished to spend time with.
“Isolde?” Wade stood and held out his arm. I glanced at the LL, and they all shot me encouraging looks. We didn’t leave immediately when I took Wade’s arm, instead, each of my guys gave me a kiss goodbye.
“There are guards around the courtyard, so you all will be safe. I’ll come find you soon if you want me to?” Rand tucked his fingers in the band of pants, like he just liked the physical touch.
“I would love that. But give me at least thirty minutes.” I grinned.
“I will protect her with my life,” Wade promised gravely. “And I’ll deliver her to you all within the hour. I will have to be on my way back to Toste anyway.”
“Perfect,” Jari said through a genuine smile, even as some of his long blond hair fell from his man bun. It was great to see the light filter back through his face.
Who knew how long this small reprieve would last. Our luck, it probably wouldn’t be long, but I was determined to savor it.
Yunez led the group through the now full hall of Mannos, stopping to chat with a few here or there. He was also doing a bang up job of roping the LL into conversation. Rand naturally fell into place at his side, but the others needed a little encouragement.
And it only took a small amount before they were engaging the Mannos just as strongly.
“They’ll be great leaders of Fennina one day,” Wade casually commented.
I jerked my gaze to his as he started moving us toward the outside door. “That’s not our goal.”
“Isn’t it?” His liquid blue eyes watched me with an intensity that hadn’t been there over breakfast.