Page 31 of War of the Mazza
My LL settled in the bed around me as Isa took a chair by the window. For the next thirty minutes, we watched the kids play and wrestle and argue.
It was nice to see that the recent attack hadn’t affected them. Or maybe they were still riding on the high of a victory. Thankfully, none of the kids here had lost anyone in their families.
Later, if Toste was agreeable, I wanted to go visit with the families who had lost someone. If only to show them that someone cared, and that we wouldn’t let an attack like this stand.
This time, when a knock came, it was slower and maybe it was my imagination, but seemed much more relaxed.
Isa stood up and opened the door to reveal a smiling Wade. Yeah, he got it good. His ruffled hair and flushed cheeks just confirmed it.
“Ah, Isa, Loni. I should have known I would find you here. I searched the main hall and didn’t see you.”
“She wanted to make sure the Mazza was okay after father’s terrible, terrible, treatment of them.” Isa grinned.
“Yes, well I hope you’ve found they weren’t offended by Toste’s knee-jerk reactions?” Wade stepped in and dropped a loving hand on top of her head. She dislodged it when she tipped back to look at him.
“They’re fine. For now. But they get to sit with you and Daddy Toste at dinner and he has to apologize,” she said with a steel of will. This little girl wasn’t used to being looked over. I loved it. And the fact that she genuinely seemed sweet.
“Of course, Sweetie. Toste is ready to apologize as soon as we make it back downstairs. Are we ready?” He lifted his bright blue eyes to us.
“We’re ready,” I said as I climbed out of Yunez’s lap. The guys stood and stretched.
The little girl circled her finger and the other children all fell into line around her. She was undeniably the pack leader. Wade held out his hand, and the girl placed hers in his. Then they left first, as the children fanned out around them.
Isa shook his head with a soft smile on his face and followed.
“The way they act, it’s like they’re little werewolves, or something. Is that how it is with the Caen people?” I asked quietly, lacing my fingers with Egan’s.
“Sometimes. We do have stronger instincts. Some children lose some of their more feral natures, and others are so in line with their powers, they prefer animals over Fennin.”
“She seems very in tune with her instincts and with the other children,” I noted.
He grinned. “Yes, some form little packs. Only time will tell if they stick together. She’s definitely Toste’s child.”
We passed quite a few people as we headed toward the dining hall. Most were dirty and bedraggled as they tried to set the castle back to rights. Others were dashing this way and that with piles of linens and other items in their hands.
What was present in every single person we encountered was a fierce hope, tempered with determination. Their steps were sure footed as they moved with purpose. They weren’t broken by the attack. If anything, they seemed stronger, but that could be what I wanted to see since I hadn’t seen them before.
“The actual dining hall was ransacked,” Wade said as he glanced over his shoulder with a grim expression. “We’re eating in the study until we can make repairs. I know you won’t mind.”
“Of course not.” Nato dipped his head in a sympathetic gesture.
Wade pushed open the door to the study, and immediately, I was floored. The study was the size of a small library that could have been the backdrop for the Beauty and the Beast movie. Rows and rows of large, beautiful bookshelves. They were organized by size and color. A ladder system was implemented around all the shelves.
“It’s something, isn’t it?” Egan whispered. He didn’t strike me as a reader, but anyone could appreciate a nice library. And one full of ancient knowledge? That was even more valuable.
“Mmhm,” I hummed as we walked toward the table that looked wildly out of place. Everything was dark, rich tones of wood. Then there was this white table in the center that seemed like they’d gone out and picked it up in IKEA.
Toste was stretched back over a chair, a velvet robe loosely tied at the waist and open at the chest. His bare legs flashed under the table, and I had the sneaking suspicion that he was naked underneath.
His cheeks were also flushed, and there was a relaxed vibe rolling off him. The mild hostility that had been there before was gone.
Well, no. That wasn’t right. He hadn’t been hostile, more like cautious and maybe a bit regretful. He’d reminded me of a cornered animal acting out of fear than any real desire to punish us.
“Yunez, Mazza,” he said as he nodded his greeting. There wasn’t a smile, but we were definitely more welcome after Wade had taken care of him.
“Toste,” I returned in the same neutral tone. Yunez pulled out my seat and brushed the back of his knuckles across my neck as I started to sit down. Then, right before my ass hit the chair, he pinched my ass.
I’d had time to get used to his antics, so instead of flying out of the chair like I had when Aamori had dinner with us, I merely shot a glare over my shoulder.