Page 34 of War of the Mazza
“What of you Mazza? What do you have to say for all of this?” Toste turned honey brown eyes on me.
I gulped. I hated being put on the spot, damn it. Especially when I didn’t feel like I had a lot to contribute.
“Daddy! Be nice.” Loni reached over and popped him on the shoulder. He didn’t acknowledge her.
“This is a new world for me.” I let my gaze wander between all of my Lusty Legion. “But already, I have found people I love, people I would die for, and a home. I want to live in a world where I can keep everything I have come to hold dear. I will not let Fennina or Earth fall under the rule of assholes if I can help it. That’s good for no one but the people at the top. I’ve spent most of my time at the bottom and those are the people I want to save the most.”
I blew out a breath. Damn, I really was killing it. It could be the confidence boost I got from the fight, but I was coming into my own. I truly believed that.
Now if I could just break past the barriers holding my powers back.
Darkness started to fade in and out of my peripheral, until my vision completely whited.
Uh-oh. I was pretty sure I knew what that meant.
Screams rang in my ears.I couldn’t see anything. Not really.
The world was one jumbled race of silhouettes accompanied by the smell of smoke and fire.
Something was wrong. But was this attack happening now? Or in the past? I hoped it was in the future so we’d have time to stop it, but a coldness in my gut said that wasn’t the case.
“They’re going for the dungeons! Bar the doors! No one gets in and no one comes out!” A man shouted.
“Ah, sweet goddess,” someone muttered before they released a litany of prayer.
I jumped out of my seat, my heart pounding, my chest caving in from an unimaginable pressure. Just as quickly as the vision came on, it cleared, leaving me staring at a group of slack-faced Caen men.
“Isolde, what did you see?” Yunez asked as he whipped me around and gripped my upper arms. He gave a slight shake when I didn’t immediately answer.
“I don’t know. I think it was an attack. I’m not sure when. Now, or in the past. I don’t know. I couldn’t see anything. Not really. It was different than what happened with Travon.” My voice trembled and I lifted a weak hand to press against my heart. Like that would help the wild, erratic beating.
“Where? Was there anything that gave clues about where it was taking place?” Urgency seeped from his hands and right into my bloodstream.
“I—I don’t think so. Whoever was attacking was going for the dungeon. And the guards were scared. They didn’t want who was in the dungeon to be free. Or captured. I don’t know!” I yelled, stomping my feet.
How could I be thisuseless? Powers were trickling back in, and they were little more than a nuisance. What good was a vision of something unknown, with no time stamp, place, or people to help us?
Yunez’s gaze took on that far off quality like when he tapped the sight, except his eyes didn’t fully glaze over. “Dungeon. Dungeon,” he whispered to himself. “Who would be locked up somewhere that the city wouldn’t want free?” He released me and I fell into Sage’s waiting arms as Yunez paced around the room.
“This couldn’t have anything to do with Isolde’s parents, right?” Wade interjected and a pang of hope speared my chest. Could it be they were still alive? I discarded the thought as soon as it popped in my head. I’d only be setting myself up for heartache if I allowed myself to wish for something that had pretty much zero chance of being true.
Without acknowledging Wade, Nato joined Yunez. “If she couldn’t fully see anything, does that mean there was a blocker at play?”
“That could be. But who would have been hanging out in a dungeon? Who would be powerful enough that someone wanted them to be free, but the city wanted to keep under lock?” Yunez mused, combing his fingers through his hair.
“Which cities have dungeons? Helfai does not, right?” Toste stood, bracing his fists on the table.
“Helfai does not. That is correct. Do you have anyone here that you would not want broken out?” Yunez turned to Toste.
“No. We have no long term prisoners. It’s not the Caen way. We hold them for a short period of time, then we either execute or set them free.”
“So that leaves, Lounivia or Ariste. Both cities have dungeons.” Yunez dropped his head to glare at the floor. “When did you say the other city leaders would be here?”
“Tomorrow morning at the latest, based on the information my scouts presented.”
“We need to meet them. Aamori and Ureste would both travel the last leg of the journey through the Wilden forest. We need to meet them head on. Confront them. Otherwise, too much time might pass.”
“Shouldn’t you be able to see what happened? Aren’t you powerful enough?” A different Caen man stepped forward this time. The questions were obnoxious. More like he truly believed Yunez could do anything.