Page 45 of War of the Mazza
“What do you want?” I gritted out. A better comeback would have been nice, but the fiery anger scorching my insides wouldn’t allow for any type of articulation.
“Oh, you know. The usual. My mates to all stay in their lane, the realms to come together, me on the throne. Isn’t that what every girl wants?” She smirked, and it really highlighted the devious light shining in her eyes.
I wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, but damn, the Mannos in Fiasla had to see this woman was bonkers.
“I can honestly say that’s not what I want,” I said as Jari and Rand took positions at my sides.
“That’s probably a good thing. Disappointment can suck. And you’re already the underdog. I’d hate to see you fail at yet another thing.” She nodded to her mate, and he grinned as he slapped his freshly sliced hand on the rock next to him, then reached behind her to get the other anchor.
“What did you do with Brody?” I demanded, pushing against Sage’s arm that was still holding me back.
“Don’t worry about Brody. Mannos are hard to kill. And I didn’t get his heart.” She shrugged. “You should be more worried about yourself and your father-in-law.” Jewel turned to her mate. “Isn’t that the human term?”
“Yes. Those nasty creatures try to form unrealistic bonds with their mates’ families.” The man pushed his lips together to form a very dickish smile.
Then it registered what she said.
“Father- in-law?” I glanced at the guys. She could be talking about Egil, or she could be talking about Rainer. Chances were, she was talking about Rainer and his goal of world domination.
“Yes. He’s expecting you.”
A hand landed on my back and pushed me forward. I barely got a yelp out before the guys and I were barreling toward the Mazza. She stepped aside, and I crashed right through the blue mist.
“Well, hello there, son of mine. It’s nice of you and your friends to join us.”
I’d fallen to my hands and knees on unforgiving stone floor. When I glanced up, I stared right into the furious eyes of Rainer.
Okay,I was pretty sure I was still in Fennina. That Waesaris wasn’t for inter-realm travel, so we still had to be somewhere on the Aamori’s lands, right?
The slight disorientation and rapidly beating heart played havoc on my critical thinking skills so I wasn’t as sharp as I wanted to be.
Shit, I was pretty sure this was what HP felt like when he “won” the Tri-Wizard Tournament.
The next question was, how big was the Aamori’s territory?
Not that I’d been able to look away from Rainer, but there was literally nothing recognizable out of the corner of my eyes.
His eyes blazed as he held my stare. Then he curled his top lip and bent forward. He looked nothing like Rand, and I was glad. There was too much cruelty in his features.
“Isolde, are you going to greet me? The gods know my good for nothing son won’t, will you Rand?” He turned to Rand, and I swore he was about to spit on him, but he didn’t.
“He’s not your son anymore. Rand doesn’t claim you.” Sage pushed up from the ground and stood directly in front of Rand. My heart pitter pattered at the sight of Sage standing up for the man he once thought would take his place in my bonds.
Rainer straightened and tugged on his fitted tunic. I glanced around quickly once his attention was directed at my mates. We were in a clearing, the moon bright overhead, and there were whispers coming through the trees. Lit torches circled the field, giving an ominous vibe to the place.
“Be that as it may, unfortunately, now that he’s claimed the Mazza, I can’t exactly disown him. Especially when my allies are so ravenous for her.” He cast a side glance at me, before returning his gaze to Rand.
“No one is getting Issy, that’s not how it works.” Jari stepped forward and gently gripped my arm, helping me to stand up.
“Really? Could have fooled me. From the way I see it, you’re at the mercy of me and my people. Just in time to go on a little field trip.” Rainer signaled to whoever was behind us, and guards came out of the woods, pressing closer on every side.
I searched for words, something profound, inspiring, or hell, I’d settle for sarcastic, but I couldn’t form a thought with more than three words.
The familiar buzz flared to life, and when I turned to the side, I saw a Waesaris glowing that brilliant blue I’d gotten accustomed to. Instead of between rocks, this one was anchored between two large, incredibly ancient, trees. This was a portal to go between realms.
We were in trouble.