Page 62 of War of the Mazza
Again, we all turned our attention to Yunez.
We busted out laughing and the small release of endorphins did amazing things to break up the sudden tension.
“Oh shit,” I gasped. My stomach knotted and that intense feeling of dread curled around my shoulders. It had been a long time since I’d had the danger signal.
Really? It was happening now that we were locked up?
What the fuck?
“What do you feel?” Nato flipped onto his knees in front of me as he gripped both sides of my head. I tried to focus on his beautiful deep amber eyes and that piercing golden strip, but my vision was darkening around the edges.
“Danger,” I whispered, unable to draw in a full breath to speak any louder. “There’s danger coming but I don’t—I don—”
“Focus Issy.” Yunez pressed in on my side. “Use your sight. Your powers are inside you. They are not locked away anymore. What do you see?”
“You can do this, Issy girl.” Egan laid a hand on my shoulder.
“I believe in you,” was barely more than a whisper as another hand touched my back. Sage.
“Dig deep. You have a greater awareness when you’re connected to your powers.” Rand’s warm breath fanned over my ear.
The darkness almost overtook my vision then receded. It lapped over my consciousness as I started to sweat. A hot bead trailed down my temple. I focused but there was nothing to focus on. It was like grasping at air. Nothing tangible.
Yet my gut continued to clench as I waited for the other shoe to drop.
I had just opened my mouth to cry out at the unfairness of it all when an explosion from above rocked the walls. There was no sound, but the vibrations nearly knocked Nato onto his back. Hell, Jari did fall on his back.
A groan came from the corner. “What was that?” The words were barely recognizable.
The guards had landed on their asses and as soon as they regained their feet, they raced toward the stairs. Whatever was happening, they were compelled to leave their post. That couldn’t be good.
“Rand, remove the barrier.” I gritted my teeth. As much as I didn’t want to hear what was going on, we needed to know. Maybe it would jar me out of this weird, painful stasis.
Rand dropped it, and the screams… The screams pierced my ears.
“We have to get out of here!” I grabbed onto Nato’s arm and pushed myself up. “Can we get out of here?”
Stumbling over to the bars, I gripped them and tried to shake my way out. Of course, that didn’t work. I hadn’t had much exposure with metal work, unless you counted blowing the tower door up. I wasn’t even sure how to access that power. I had no concept of what it felt like.
“With the guards gone, I think we can get out of here.” Nato appeared beside me; his mouth drawn into a taut line. “The four of them were each from a different house to combat any escape attempts. Rand? Sage?” He glanced over his shoulder.
“On it,” Rand said under his breath. He and Sage both had their eyes closed concentrating on our escape.
Surprisingly, maybe ten seconds passed before the lock snicked open. I swung my head from them to the door, then back to them. That seemed…anti-climactic.
“Let’s go.” Jari cracked his neck from side to side.
I took two steps before I spun on my heels. “The prisoners!”
“You don’t know why they’re down here! They might deserve it.” Sage tugged on my arm, but I shook him off.
“It doesn’t matter. We can’t leave them as sitting ducks.” When I turned, Yunez already had one prisoner loose. It was a woman. I thought. It wasn’t as easy of a tell as you might think. Aamori clearly didn’t believe in hospitality for prisoners.
I ran to the other prisoner and ducked down, trying to detect signs of life. There was a slight shift of the ragged garment clothing them. Okay, that wasn’t much but I could work with that.
Another boom sounded from above and from the sounds of it, more than one of my guys were knocked to the ground. I shifted the hood back to see who it was I was helping.