Page 65 of War of the Mazza
She was absolutely high on the pain she was causing.
Fury burned under my skin and I cracked my neck as I searched for that well of power Rand described. It was there, right in the back of my mind. Now that I knew where it was, it was like it had always been there, just waiting for me to access it.
I mentally dipped a toe in. Testing the water. As soon as I touched it, warmth sizzled through my limbs and settled in my fingers and toes. My scalp prickled in awareness. Hell, I could probably count every hair on my head, that’s how jazzed up I was.
“Where’s Brody?” I glanced at her five mates, who took their time dispatching their latest victims to stand at her side. Each man just as deranged as the last time I saw them. Especially curly. He looked extra ecstatic to be here.
“Dead, I’d say.” She shrugged.
I wasn’t prepared for the sharp pain that stabbed through my heart, but I couldn’t deny that it hurt to hear. She could be wrong. Doubtful. She was a Mazza after all and could feel her bond mates, but I didn’t want him to have died because he sought me out.
“Why are you here?” Fuck, we needed to get this party started, but I couldn’t stop the questions from tumbling out.
“We were invited.” She dipped her chin just enough that her smile was even more diabolical. “Enough of the chitchat. I’m ready to have some fun.”
Just like when we met outside the Yunez’s castle, she threw her hands out and explosions went off around the room. “A little smoke adds to the mystery, don’t you think?” She stepped foward on her tall heels Cabbie would die to see me wear in battle.
Where was Cabbie? I snuck a quick glance but didn’t see him. There was no time to continue the search because the Mazza was heading right toward me.
“Sure.” I threw out my hands, hoping on all the sex toys in Cabbie brought with him that this would work.
I submerged myself in that pool of power, channeling destruction as much as I could, and very clearly singled out the corners.
Fuck my life. It worked.
A round of explosions went off and gray smoke twined around us. Jari might have used a little bit of wind to blow my hair back from my face. I couldn’t confirm, but it seemed too dramatic for the moment.
The Mazza smirked. “Very good. But you didn’t actually hit anyone. You like the smoke and mirrors, don’t you?” That was all she said before she dove.
She caught me around the middle and tackled me to the ground. My men yelled around me as they engaged her mates. I ached to check on them, but I couldn’t because I was grappling on the floor with an oiled up seal, damn it.
After an embarrassingly brief struggle, she straddled my waist. And sat back. She didn’t even try to restrain my arms because she felt I was that much of a nonthreat.
Lucky me.
Using a move one of the Cherries had taught me, I angled my fist and snapped it right against her pubic bone, getting as much of a cunt shot as I could. She howled and rolled backward.
Hot hands, hot hands, I chanted.
I scrambled on top of her and slapped her across the face, leaving a red, blistering handprint behind. Grinning, I caught her wrists and pinned them against the ground. “How’s that feel, bitch?”
She’d just been bitchslapped. I could have crowed my victory.
Good thing I didn’t.
A long leg appeared in front of my face right before she used it to guillotine me backwards.
“Argh,” I gurgled as I reached for my throat. Rookie move. She caught my hands and stretched them out over the top of my head, then the mother fucker head butted me. “Ouch!”
“How would you like to sleep?” She transferred both of my hands to one of hers. Just before she touched my temple, I did another hope dance in my head as I tried to recreate the Zien power I’d used on Lavi as I head butted her back.
“You first.” I gasped for breath as my head throbbed but the Mazza rolled to the side.
“Damn, Doll. Did you need to head butt her to use that gift? You’re going to give yourself a concussion.” Cabbie picked me up and dusted me off.
“No,” I groaned, rubbing my forehead. “I could do it without touch, but I wanted a little payback.”
He snorted and handed me my nun chucks. “Here. Now let’s kick some ass.”