Page 117 of Be My Rebound
Track 42
He’s Kidding
In a few minutes, Dad’s jet will take us to Los Angeles, our last destination of the tour. The jet is becoming crowded. There’s me and my parents, Hal, the rest of Dad’s band, his manager and a couple of security. Sitting in the back of the cabin, in the corner by the window, I pull my knees to my chest and cocoon myself in a blanket. Outside my tiny window the weather is picking up, snow flurrying in earnest. That’s how I feel, every bit of me tossed by the wind. Everything is better, yet I’m wallowing in sadness. Between all the post-show hoopla, Jace and I got separated and most likely won’t see each other until I’m back in Portland. Two more days if I follow the schedule, but I might peel out as soon as tomorrow’s concert is over. I won’t be able to wait two whole days to talk to him again, and no phone calls or texts will suffice.
I stick my backpack onto the seat next to me to signal I don’t want anyone there. Dad is talking to the pilot, who nods and disappears in the cockpit. I guess we’re good to go. Finally. My patience is nonexistent. The sooner we get going, the sooner I can go home and—
“Excuse me. Is this seat taken?” says my favorite teasing voice.
I jerk my face up to stare at Jace. His beanie glistens with melting snow, his cheeks are pink from the cold air, and his smile is brighter than the sun.
“I didn’t know you were coming with us,” I mutter, shyness attacking me as memories of us together, on stage and behind it, set my cheeks on fire. Maybe it would’ve been better if we had a couple days apart after all.
“How could I not?” Jace slides my backpack under the seat, drops next to me, and offers me a gift shop paper bag. “I have no idea whether you like things like this, but for some odd reason I thought of you when I saw it.”
I fish out the present he’s so doubtful about and laugh a little. He has brought me the most adorable stuffed kitten. Orange fur, white belly, pink nose.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are now ready to take off. Please follow—”
The usual safety instructions fade away as I fasten my seatbelt and sniff, pressing the kitten to my chest.
“Laurel.” Jace threads our fingers together. “What’s wrong?”
“This”—I wave the kitten at him—“feels too normal. Like cutesy little stuff ordinary couples get for each other.”
“Why does it make you sad?”
“We’re not ordinary, you and I. We get in trouble and we fight and—”
“We don’t have to fight. As for trouble?” Jace drags his beanie off, flattens it over his knee, and kisses my knuckles. “I think we have too much fun to stop doing that.”
“True.” My eyes keep welling with tears. Dang. I’m doomed to be a weepy mess tonight.
Mom issues a loud, indignant gasp. “What did I tell you?” She grouches at Jace from across the aisle.
One eye shut and so much more roguish than usual, Jace flashes her a smile before turning to me and saying, “I’m not supposed to make you cry ever again.” He warms my hand with another lingering kiss. “Happy tears are okay, though. Right?”
“Yes.” Their exchange and his open, unrestrained gentleness soothe me. “Did Mom rip you a new one?”
“She started to.” He chuckles. “I don’t think she’ll be done with me any time soon.”
“The fact that you’re here is a good sign. She’s a big fan of banishing people and throwing my boyfriends off our property.”
Jace doesn’t say anything. He looks at me, his eyes seemingly taking in every inch of my face. My heart hammers already, and then the plane takes off, sending my stomach into my feet. The combination is dizzying, and I know it’s not all gravity and acceleration and all that. My hands are full of Jace and his small gift to me, which may appear insignificant, but to me it means the world. This morning I was certain I’d never see him again, but now he’s here.
“You will always have more attention with me around you,” I warn Jace once the plane levels off and everyone either talks to their neighbors or settles in for some sleep.
“I know.” He gives me an understanding look.
I spell it all out for him anyway. “I will always draw attention. You have to accept it and learn to deal with it. There will be times you’ll draw attention to me too. I’ll have to learn to handle that as well. I know you’re independent and self-reliant, and I love it, but…” My eyes burn again and my voice dries up. I whisper my next words, “I missed you.” Jace is all I want. Complicated, extraordinary, and crazy. I angle myself so that I can hug him and rest my chin on his shoulder, then come back to a piece of our conversation on the roof. “Would you really have changed your mind if I asked you to stay?”
Jace holds me back and nuzzles my hair, taking a deep breath. “I’d do anything for you.”
“You’d do anything for me now. You…” Ugh! This is still so hard to say out loud. “You love me now, but in September?”
“I loved you then too. I loved you—”