Page 123 of Be My Rebound
I set my mug on the edge of the coffee table.
“My money’s on Laurel,” Shane declares.
Jace opens his mouth for a snappy comeback, and I use his distraction and dash to the door. By the time my feet hit the front porch, he’s already in the yard, picking up the bag from the frosted grass. I glance around, stupefied as to how he’s gotten there that fast. He must’ve teleported or… Or he has climbed through the window. Still. Way too fast.
“Come on.” I hop down the stairs and walk toward him. “Give it to me.”
He crouches and watches me, his eyes calculating. “Who said it was for you?”
“If it’s not, then it won’t matter if I see it. The only reason you’d be keeping it from me is if it actually is for me.” I laugh, my heart racing. “Deny nothing, Jace. Surrender the ring.” I know, Iknowthat’s what he’s hiding.
“What ring? You’ve gone mad from all the pies.” He folds the top of the bag and tucks it behind the waistband of his jeans and under the shirt. As if I won’t dare to go there.
Toes freezing without shoes, I chase after him. “Jace!”
He plays along for a minute, then he catches me in his arms and throws me over his shoulder. I shriek and laugh and kick my feet in the air. He laughs too and swings me again before he deposits me onto my feet. Jace keeps me close. Convenient. I give him my best hooded gaze and reach with my mouth toward his while I sneak my hand toward the bag.
Jace crushes me closer, pinning both of my arms to his body. “Nice try.”
“Why are you hiding it from me?” I kiss him anyway. I love the silky, fire-igniting sensation of his lips on mine too much to waste this opportunity.
Jace presses his cheek to mine. “You made yourself clear on the plane. You don’t want to get married, and I won’t pester you.”
“You won’t try to change my mind?” I wiggle my arms free and place my hands over his cheeks.
“I don’t think the diamond is large enough for that to be successful.” He’s joking. He’s always teasing me.
I feign an indignant gasp. “You think I’m that kind of girl? I need diamonds and fancy rides to love you?”
“Don’t you?” Grinning, he takes one of my hands and twirls me.
I laugh and dance with him for a second, my pulse thundering in my ears. Only we could argue, however playfully, about getting engaged. Only we could torture each other like this.
Leaning into him, I give Jace another kiss. He savors it. I pretend that I let my hands loose on his torso. He leans into me, and that’s when I grab the bag and run for my life.
Jace cackles at top volume behind me.
Whipping around, I open the bag and groan. It’s empty.
“Looking for this?” He holds up a purple box and pops it open with his thumb. A sizable diamond sparkles in the daylight, matching Jace’s brilliant, cocky smile.
My heart stops at the sight of both. Thereisa ring. For me. From Jace.
“I want it,” I croak, my voice dry and laden with nerves. I cross the lawn and stop a foot before him. “I want you. I want to be with you. Forever.”
“You should’ve said that two weeks ago.” He holds my gaze, smiling and enjoying my agony.
“I know.”
“I was driving from The Label to a photo shoot past this boutique place. They told me I needed an appointment. That kind of place. I didn’t have one, of course, so I shrugged and turned around, but one of the clerks recognized me—”
“I bet it was the highlight of your week,” I joke, eyes jumping from the ring to him and back.
“Yes, actually, it was. I knew you didn’t want this yet.” Jace takes the ring out of the box. “I was going to get you another pendant or something, but then… Love makes us do strange things.”
“Sounds like a song.”
“You should write it with me.” Jace drops to one knee. “What do you say? Will you marry me?”