Page 83 of Be My Rebound
“Did you just get ambushed?” Hal’s voice is amused, but his tight jaw suggests retaliation, if need be.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” Somehow, my emotions are already settling. Yes, I ran. Yes, I hid. Bu-u-ut… The reporter, though obnoxious and out of bounds, focused on the potential scenarios of my relationship with Jace. He didn’t ask me about music or use words likefailed,retreated, orbit more than she could chewat all.
Now that I’m thinking about it, this has been the case with every media comment ever since that video got leaked.
This makes me rethink my stance on everything. Was I wrong to hide for so long? Maybe. Maybe not. Four years of absence seems to have smoothed out a lot. The only thing anyone cares about is that I’m all grown up and that Jace and I make a gorgeous couple. It should be insulting, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel I’ve been craving for so long. I’d rather the media harass me about Jace than remind me how I choked on everyone’s expectations.
Realizing that gives me courage to join my parents for an event a couple days later. We go to something called Drum Club—a local charity organization run by some of Oregon’s best percussionists. Drum Club puts on shows that always include big names, the tickets cost an arm and a leg, but a hundred percent of the proceeds go to sponsoring music programs for underprivileged youth. Apparently, Dad’s been promising to be part of the show for years. Jonas recruits an additional security detail to accompany us.
I don’t panic once. I text with Jace off and on and keep my hands and mind occupied. When I’m too busy to text him, I soak in the atmosphere. It fills not only all the crevices within me, it starts to fill in whole caverns. I didn’t want to admit it, but I’ve denied myself the very same thing that fuels my dad and Jace. Live music. Life on the scene. The energy of the crowd and the euphoria that sparks from knowing I don’t just play guitar—I strum the chords of souls of those around me.
Jace doesn’t attend even though his bandmate, Jelly Jaeger, is one of the permanent celebrities and champions of Drum Club.
“Oooh, Laurel!” Jelly drops onto a chair beside me, the one for my dad, who’s currently talking to the club administrator a few feet away. Mom chats with them, but Jonas lingers by my side. “How are you doing?”
She doesn’t seem at all surprised to see me, and I appreciate it. Jonas shifts his position, scanning her, appraising. He’s been extra vigilant since the night Jace and I got in trouble. I give him a warning look. Jelly’s not a threat to me.
“I’m good,” I reply to her. “I don’t think Jace ever officially introduced us.”
“You’re right, but we all know each other here, right G?” She looks behind her, at Project Viper’s Graham O’Neal, who’s also a big name in this establishment.
“I didn’t hear what you said, and I’m not subscribing to any of your statements blindly.” He stops next to her and pinches her shoulder. “Hello, Laurel, and welcome.”
“See?” Jelly exclaims before I can thank him. “No need for introductions. I’ve heard Jace managed to get you involved in a fight.”
“It wasn’t his fault.”
Jonas huffs beside me, and I turn to whisper, “Go away, will you?”
He does, but not far. He joins Mom and Dad and keeps watching me, the hound.
Jelly smiles wide. “Bodyguards are buckets of fun, aren’t they?”
I don’t respond, too distracted by another text from Jace. He says goodnight. It’s not even eight o’clock, but his concussion must be taking its toll.
Remembering I have company, I hurry up to dim my phone screen. “Sorry. It’s Jace.”
Jelly grins. “Are you having fun with him? If he ever bothers you, let me know. He may know kung fu, but I still know how to wrangle him.”
Graham rolls his eyes and tugs on her jacket. “Come on. Don’t ruin Laurel’s fun.”
“What am I ruining?” she protests. “We’re just talking.”
“No, you’re doing all the talking.”
I laugh. “You two are cute.”
“I’m out of here,” Graham mutters and walks away.
Jelly throws her hand high, expecting a high five. I oblige her, and she says, “Well done! Don’t mind Graham. He’s nice, but he’s quite the introvert, and he gets real mean when people think we’re a package. We used to be. Kind of. Long story. I do need to go, but one last thing. Don’t worry about Jace. He’s got the thickest skull in the universe. He’ll recover very soon.” She vacates the chair. “Oh! If you ever need anything—” Jelly grabs one of the programs on the table and waves at Jonas. “You. The serious one. Got a pen?”
He scowls but nonetheless produces a pen for her.
Jelly scribbles her phone number on the program. “Text me if you ever need to gossip about Jace or want to hang out or whatever. Don’t be a stranger.” She slides the program to me, drops the pen on the table, and runs after Graham. “Viper Beat, wait up!”