Page 4 of Whispers
Knox translated for me, since Brax seemed the only person unable—or more likely unwilling—to learn American Sign Language. When it was just the two ofus, I used my writing pad, but when others were around, they translated.
“So what good are you? You had this big idea about wanting to escape but then you get nothing over the last month? Fuck, I hate people who are all talk.”
And, as usual, I rose to the occasion when it came to his anger. Funny that back when I’d first met him, he’d terrified me. Now? Now I didn’t give a fuck about his little hissy fits. If he hadn’t killed me yet, he probably wouldn’t.
Most likely…
I was pretty sure…
“I’m sorry that I’m not doing enough for you. What exactly was it you’ve done? Because I’m pretty sure I figured out about the North Tower and the two projects they’re doing there.”
Brax narrowed his blue eyes into a murderous glare as Knox translated. It was funny how similar the twins looked—everything but their eye color. Physically, they were identical, despite their behavior being nothing alike. At the end, he let out a huff. “Well, don’t get sloppy. If you fuck up, we all go down, and I’m not about to let that happen.”
I lifted my eyebrow to stare back. What was the point in arguing? Brax only heard what he wanted to hear, and having Knox translate everything made it all take longer.
“Be careful,” Knox offered, his voice even gentler than before, as if trying to make up for the attitude of his twin.
Then again, the two were always looking out for each other. Brax tried to protect Knox and Knox made excuses for Brax’s horrible behavior.
When I didn’t respond, Knox went on. “After getting thrown in solitary, you’re bound to be watchedmore closely. I know Brax is pushing you, but don’t do anything risky.”
Brax opened his mouth as if to argue that point but snapped his lips together before he could. He let out an angry sound and the edges of his face sharpened the way they always did when his temper got away from him. Berserkers weren’t known for their control and calm. Instead of saying anything else, he turned on his heel and stormed out, slamming the door behind him, his exit as dramatic and quick as his entrance had been.
Knox sighed, his gaze pinned to the door as if he could still watch his brother through it. “I swear, his temper is worse than ever…”
It seemed the same to me. The only reason he’d gotten annoyed was because he wanted me to do whatever it took, no matter the danger to me, and that it was a dick-thing to say frustrated him.
“You don’t understand him,” Knox said.
“Stop defending him.”
“That’s never going to happen.” Knox gave me a sad smile. “He’s not the easiest to get along with, but there’s more to him than anyone realizes. Don’t take the things he says at face value.”
I took another drink of water, mostly to give us a way to end the conversation. I knew what Brax was like, had experienced his brand of asshole behavior plenty of times. The last thing I needed was for Brax’s bad behavior to sour my relationship with Knox.
It was all rather precarious already.
Knox glanced behind him at the clock on the wall. “You had your work detail this morning, right?”
“I have an evaluation in about an hour.”
He pressed his lips together, and I knew he was getting ready to lecture me yet again. This time, about Kit.
But what did all these warnings matter? I couldn’t justnotsee Kit, since the adjunct professor handled not only teaching lessons but also most of the evaluations. It wasn’t like I had an option to not go.
Besides, we hadn’t had one since solitary, since I’d gotten caught with files from a restricted room. After spending the time being punished, I’d had my work details increased for two weeks. That made this the first eval since that had all happened.
Which meant I’d probably get an earful from him as well.
Why was it that everyone thought I needed their advice? That everyone saw me as some helpless creature who others had to tell how to behave?
Well, I did get caught when I tried to work on my own…
I cut off his lecture by tossing the now-empty water bottle into the recycling bin under Knox’s sink.“I’ll be careful, I promise.”
Knox let out a long breath, catching my arm before I walked out. When he tugged me back and pressed his lips to mine in a kiss that stole all my annoyance away, I worried I’d lose myself. Kissing him was like looking over a cliff and down at a body of water. It tempted me to jump, made me want to dive in no matter how deep or dangerous.
As quickly as it happened, however, he let me go, stealing away that warmth. It was like shoving me away from the edge of that cliff. He swallowed hard, his green eyes bright as he stared at me, as if he wanted me to understand something.