Page 43 of Screaming
A moment of disappointment said Hera didn’t like the idea of not immediately going there, but she nodded quickly. She was smart enough to understand the wisdom of my suggestion.
Once again, she tucked her arm in the crook of mine, and I savored the closeness, the way she fit against me. In fact, it gave me a moment to even think about it as if this could have really been us, as though we were just another happy couple enjoying a party.
I let myself have that, partly because it sold our story better. As we moved through the crowded party, I caught pieces of each conversation. Most were vapid, pointless topics. Stock markets and good help and what the best private school was in the area. They talked about their children’s French lessons and violin recitals, and who had gotten an acceptance letter from what prestigious university that their Daddy had made a donation to and who had rebels headed abroad for a year.
“Do I know you?” The voice made me stop short, turning to find an older woman staring hard at me.
I flashed her the brightest smile I could manage. “I’m not sure, but I feel as if I would have remembered you had we met before.”
The woman seemed to melt at my practiced words. It was funny, as I was sure given the amount of jewels she had covering her, she was hardly new to flattery. Still, she reacted to my words as if they hit her better.
She’d hardly noted Hera, and when she finally did, her expression had hints of jealousy. I doubted she expected anything between her and I, but she likely still viewed a younger woman as a rival. “How lovely you two look together,” she said, words dripping with condescension.
Hera smiled but it matched the woman’s, with the same barely concealed threat. It made me realize how easily Hera navigated this world. If she had offered an honest smile, it wouldn’t have fit. It would have labeled her as easy prey. Instead, she matched the woman’s level of aggression. It made it clear she wouldn’t be walked on and that she belonged in this arena.
I matched my expression to hers and spoke to the woman. “Please, excuse us, we still have quite a few people to greet. I’m sure you understand how these things are.”
The woman nodded. “Of course. It was wonderful speaking to you both. I hope our paths cross again.” With that, she took her leave.
I leaned closer to Hera and lowered my voice so only she could hear. “Those are some impressive claws you have. Dare I say, if I wasn’t already madly in love with you, I certainly would be now.”
Pink colored her cheeks, and she jerked her gaze away. It made me remove my arm from hers and drag my fingers up her bare back, teasing the tempting skin there. “It is a pity we have a task ahead. While you look enchanting in that gown, I am quite certain you would look even better out of it.”
Her full lips parted as though she couldn’t draw in enough air, a sure sign that my words landed.
And the temptation to do as I claimed surprised me. I was normally clear-headed to a fault, more than willing to put aside any momentary desires to achieve my goals. Why was it that right now, I struggled to focus? The thought of pulling her into a side room, of stripping her out of her dress, hit me hard.
I pulled her against me, swaying slightly, appearing like any other couple in love, the sort who were still early enough in our relationship to struggle with self-control. I let my lips brush her ear as I leaned in close. I knew I didn’t need to be so close—her hearing was phenomenal, after all—but I wanted this to feel intimate.
“I didn’t get the chance to see you well last time. I was so ravenous for you I didn’t savor as I should have. I intend to remedy that.” As I whispered, I stroked my thumb against her back, rewarded with a shiver. “Rest assured, the next time I get you alone, I will spend all the time exploring every last inch of you. It is a time I find myself thankful for my not needing sleep. I can spend as much time as I wish devoted to my exploration.” I said the words to tease her, but somehow, they turned me on just as much.
She trembled in my arms, and it made me want to keep her there forever, to swear that nothing would ever cause her harm again.
That wasn’t possible, of course, not even for me, but I still felt an undeniable need to promise it.
At least until a throat clearing to our side reminded me of where we were.
Which was in the middle of a party with people who would throw her back into Larkwood in a heartbeat if they got the slightest chance to do so.
“Unfortunately, that will have to wait,” I said as I moved away from her, but kept my hand on her back to guide her. “For now, it’s time to see who we came to see.”
Hera nodded, appearing shaken by either my words or the task ahead of us. Whatever it was, I used my hand on her to pull her closer to my side.
I couldn’t protect her from everything, but I’d damn well protect her from what I could.
Who is this man and what did he do with Kit? I couldn’t stop the thought from hitting me when Kit had whispered those filthy promises into my ear.
The man I’d grown close to over my year at Larkwood had been careful and steady. I’d seen no signs of desire from him. Then, I’d glimpsed that passion beneath his carefully cultivated surface when he’d seen me after the escape, but that had been quick and wild.
This seemed another side of his, one where he was teasing and tempting.
And I liked every side of his. They all pulled me in in a different way, all spoke to a different side of myself.
Except, his words reminded me we hadn’t come to flirt and play footsie.
I peered across the room to watch my parents say goodbye to someone, their smiles forced and tense. It seemed they were as easy for me to read as they had been before. After that parting, my parents went back toward one of the private rooms. No doubt, they’d grown tired and wanted a moment to collect themselves, and they were important enough to have access to the VIP rooms there.