Page 14 of Executive Rule
Sapphire eyes latch onto mine, letting me see his truth.
“Bishop,” I whisper, dazed by his confession. Is this the same man I’ve been working with for the last two weeks?
Before I can say anything else, someone claps Bishop on the shoulder. His jaw tenses and I can tell he wants to tell this guy to back the hell off, but I give him a stern look. Bishop rolls his eyes at me, and I pinch his side.
“Randall. Good to see you,” Bishop says, his voice a little too strained to be believed.
“Indeed. I wasn’t sure you were going to make it, but I’m glad I caught you before you made other plans.” Randall’s eyes flit to mine, then rove up and down my body. “Or did I interrupt a date? She’s lovely,” he says, holding out his hand for me to shake.
“She’s mine,” Bishop grunts, batting his friend’s hand away.
Randall holds his palms out in surrender, chuckling the whole time. “No disrespect,” he’s quick to say. “Damn, she’s got you hook, line, and sinker, doesn’t she?”
“She is right here,” I interject before I can think better of it. I don’t want to make things more difficult for Bishop.
When he laughs, however, I know everything is alright.
“Point taken,” Randall concedes. Switching gears, the portly middle-aged man tips his head to the left. “Carl is right over there, trying to get out of another one of Mort’s yacht stories. It’s the perfect opportunity to swoop in.”
Bishop nods then looks over at me. “It’s an open bar with some complimentary appetizers. Grab a drink, and I’ll meet you over there soon?”
“Sure,” I say with a smile.
Spinning on my heel, I head to the bar before I do something silly, like climb into my boss’s arms and beg him to keep me forever. I’ve barely made it to the solid oak bartop when a man in a sharp black tuxedo leans into my personal space.
“What are you drinking?” he slurs, motioning to the bartender with a snap of his fingers.
“I’m actually good, thanks,” I tell him as politely as possible.
“Don’t be like that,” he chastises, giving me what I think is supposed to be a puppy dog look.
“I’m not being any certain way,” I tell him calmly, even though I’m starting to panic inside. “I simply don’t prefer a drink right now.”
“I simply don’t prefer a drink right now,” the jerk sing-songs in a mocking voice.
The bartender finally comes over, and I’m relieved she’s providing a distraction for me to get away.
“Hey, where are you going?” Jerkface asks. “Come on, pretty thing. You’re not here with anyone, so why not let me take you for a spin?”
I’m about to take off running and tell Bishop I had a family emergency, but then I feel his presence. Bishop is right next to me, his arm immediately wrapping around my waist and tucking me into his side.
“She’s here withme,” Bishop snarls, every muscle in his body strung tight. “Back the hell off.”
Drunk-Jerk-Face takes several steps back as he sizes up Bishop. There’s no contest. My man towers over him, and while this idiot has considerable weight on his side, Bishop is made out of pure muscle and discipline.
“Right, right. Sorry, man,” he stutters out, stumbling as he continues to back away.
Bishop takes a step in his direction, but I wrap my hand around his wrist to stop him. “He’s not worth it,” I whisper.
“No, but you are,” he grunts, his nostrils flaring with rage. I won’t lie; seeing this protective side of Bishop has me feeling all sorts of things. No one has ever stood up for me or made me feel like I was important enough to protect.
“Let it go,” I tell him. “Remember the plan? The sooner you talk to Carl, the sooner we can get out of here?”
The anger in his eyes burns away under the lust now taking over his features. “Not soon enough,” he grunts, taking my hand and weaving through the crowd of immaculately dressed party guests.
Bishop leads me down a dark hallway, then opens a door at the very end. I should probably be wary of letting my much older boss lead me away into a private room, but I can't feel anything except excitement. And desire. And a throbbing ache between my legs that I know only Bishop can take away.
As soon as we’re inside the room, Bishop closes the door and presses me against it, caging me in with his arms on either side of my head. “Need you,” he breathes out a second before his lips crash down on mine.