Page 35 of His Talisman
“I don’t,” I began, then wound down to nothing as it was obvious, they wanted an excuse.
“She’s very wet down here. Excess lubrication?”
“Half is mine. I’d apologize but…” Cassius shrugged.
While I stared back at them, the doctor flipped the flashlight, cleaned it with spit and his handkerchief. Then he switched it off and introduced it to my rear. Shocked, I was wondering if any of that thing was really clean, even as he probed at me then pushed it between my clamped-together thighs.
“Hey,” I whispered harshly, wriggling to lose him. “Umm that’s not go—”
“Gag?” the doctor inquired.
I scowled at the floor then found myself whimpering as the doctor forced the flashlight partly into my pussy entrance, then out again.
“A pity this isn’t sterilized. I really shouldn’t fuck you with it.”
Cassius laughed. “I would, just to hear her squeal and squeak.”
Unwilling to risk a gag, I stayed silent.
He ran it along the groove of my pussy then pulled it away.
“Excess wetness…and a very swollen cunt. I do suspect Charity of…” His fingers dug into one ass cheek. “Masturbating.”
“Stating the obvious,” Cassius said. “What are you going to do to her?”
Carefully, the doctor held the flashlight upside-down and before my eyes. A long thread of mucous or come stretched and twirled. “Doing filthy things in the dark and running away from us,andI didn’t get my shower.”
I eyerolled to myself. My forehead was going to have dust on it, and while I was exhausted before, now I was so far beyond that. I could fall asleep in here if not for them.
He sighed and leaned in to shine the light at my face. I shut my eyes.
“You are going to walk out of here and be very good for me. You can walk back naked. It was going to be a warm bath in my luxurious ensuite, but you’ve been too disobedient.” He hauled me to my feet. The gown unraveled and trailed on the floor.
“Let’s cut that off her. Have you got a knife, Cassius?”
I opened my mouth, shut it. Knives? I didn’t like where this was going, no matter why he wanted one.
“Yes. I already left a line of teeth marks on her running down to her cunt, as punishment.” He touched my neck then glided his fingers downward, past my breasts, and swirling across my curves as if this were a rollercoaster ride that ended at my thigh. “All the way.”
“Beautifully done. My turn.”
“I want to put a more meaningful collar on her later. That white thing is too nice. Something dark and spiky would be good.”
“Perhaps. I have a few. She does need more firmness.” Was that cruel amusement in his eyes?
Fuck. Fuckitty.What had I achieved?
As the doctor cut away the gown, I tottered on my feet, and Cassius held me against the wall of the corridor. I was drippinghiscome on the floor. Someone would be cleaning this up. Not me, I prayed.
“Walk,” the doctor indicated. “Go have a shower, Cassius. I’ll be hosing her down outside. Leave me a hot bath up there for when I return.”
Damn.At least it wasn’t freezing here. Anything to get to bed. If I had to endure this, I would.
Cassius grinned and waved goodbye. That grin left me bewildered. Had he not mentioned monstrous discoveries? He should be worried about leaving me with the doctor. I checked for the doctor, who’d gone behind me, and found my wrists were being unlocked. While I was bringing them to my front, he clipped a chain leash to the collar.
He jiggled it. “Come. He’s right. That collar is wrong for you. Spikes would be good.”