Page 47 of His Talisman
“It’s a deal. For now, stay away from these rocks.”
We swam back to the lagoon-like area, but I had to wonder if there really was a stonefish or some other reason they didn’t want me looking. From memory, stonefish venom could kill you, and it was terribly painful. I’d look it up later, but the other fact was that stonefish could swim, so theoretically it could end up on any of these rocks.
I had pointed that out as we took turns throwing a ball to each other across the water. This could’ve been me with a normal bunch of friends celebrating something with an impromptu day at the beach. The ball had bounced off the doctor’s head more than once. Cassius was overly competitive and liked launching it at us fast.
“Of course!” The doctor threw it to Cassius, and it dropped halfway and landed between me and him. He went to rescue it. That lazy freestyle stroke was admirable, in more ways than one—such as watching the sunshine melt across his arm muscles or the toss of his wet blond hair as he pushed closer to me. He sent the ball skipping to bob before my nose. I grabbed it and tossed it high, to the doctor.
Only Cassius had waded in behind me. He wrapped me in his arms, one around my throat and pinning me, the other below my breasts, then squeezed me until I coughed. “Did you know your tits jiggle when you throw the ball, and it’s tempting me to do criminal things?”
I half-grinned at him, turning sideways and sticking out my tongue. I was a brat at heart and no centuries-old bone was going to spoil this day. The doctor swam closer.
“No sex.” With my teeth, I delicately picked up a fold of skin from his arm, mock growled, then let it go.
“Can I use the internet here?” I asked the doctor, who approached me from the front, just as close as Cassius.
His broad shoulders were awe-inspiring hills of muscle as water sluiced from him, as he rose to full height. Who woulda thunk that was under his more formal clothes?
“Not fair.” I mock-whispered, for I had Cassius behind me, lodging his dick between my ass cheeks, and the doctor crowding in at the front.
“You can use it. I have it locked so you can’t send messages out, but something like stonefish details, yes, you can look those up.”
“Huh. Thanks.”
This, being squashed between the two them was mean. And when they both started kissing me and fondling my body, my hormones went into hyperdrive.
“You said no sex,” I accused the doctor when he backed away from kissing me and merely held my breasts beneath the water, weighing them, brushing thumbs over both nipples at once.
“For a while, I said, and it’s been that…” He smiled. “Let’s go eat. You’re still safe, despite being far too unclothed. My morality is offended.” He ducked underwater, and with Cassius still holding my neck in the crook of his arm, I could only watch, open-mouthed, as the doctor’s shape wavered as he went lower, to stop at my waist and kiss and nip downward over the path of bruises left by Cassius.
“That’s not eating!” I tried to wriggle away.
“Oh yeah? He’s heading for your cunt, and I class that as eating.”
I gasped as the doctor fastened a hand onto my thigh, found my clit and sucked on it, then carefully bit. He increased the pressure slowly until I had to whimper. “Fuck. Fuck.” The bite was hard enough to threaten, stimulate, and possibly drive me insane.
“What is he doing, princess?” Cassius licked my ear, his hard biceps a half-inch from choking me as I bucked against the clit torture.
“My clit… Oh. God.”
“Good man. Looks like we get to fuck you soon.” His mouth arrived at my ear. “And after that stunt you pulled at the rocks, flaunting yourself to a stonefish, I’m betting punishment is coming.”
“Hey. No. You can’t.” I shut my eyes and groaned as the doctor kept on nibbling…sucking.
“Ohhh, we can.” Cassius was ready with a question when the doctor came up for air. “Are we going to punish her for endangering her ass over there at the rocks?”
The doctor shook off the water and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “The stonefish? We should punish her, yes.” Stubborn, I said nothing, only challenged him with a stare. “But after lunch.”
Now I couldn’t hold back. “You never told me it was there. I wouldn’t have swum there if I’d known.”Liar, liar.I probably would have.
His focus flicked to Cassius, past my shoulder. “Your thoughts?”
“Bullshit. We can do what we want to her. After lunch is good. We should avoid abusing her ass for a few more days.”
“There. It’s decided. Your punishment is at our discretion.”
Fuck. Stop tingling, clit. Stop thinking this is hot.