Page 82 of His Talisman
I closed my eyes as he pushed the head against my lips and surged inward. His hands were on my head, and he knew what turned me on, because he screwed those fingers into my hair until I squeaked and shuddered.
“There’s my girl. Take it deep for me.”
After five, six thrusts, he halted with a “Fuck. God.” Then a breathy swallow, before he pulled out. “Stand against the stone. I want to see your face while I fuck you this time.”
With my mouth still remembering the soft-hard slide of cock stretching it, I leaned against the stone while he lifted my short dress. I was so ready, I knew my slit would be slippery and easily penetrated, but he pulled the dress even higher, paused with the fabric drawn half-across my throat, to handle my breasts then my pebbled nipples.
“I can’t just fuck you normal, can I now.” His smile was hard with desire, and he gathered the dress to knot it taut beneath my armpits, so it stayed above my breasts. Hand in aVagainst my throat, he kept my head to the stone and anchored to the high decoration while his knee worked in and forced apart my legs. “We both know you want something more than normal fucking, don’t we.”
I shuddered again, on tiptoes, my legs wide.
“Say yes, Charity, my little dripping slut, before I fuck you. Say yes, I want this. I want to be made to take it, hurt a little, to be made to spread your legs for cock.”
God, I did, didn’t I.
“Fucking eloquent, tonight,” I rasped.
“Ohhh, Charity girl.” He slapped one breast then the other, and the sting made me gasp. “Say yes. We both know you like being a fucktoy.” Then as if to punctuate his speech, he put a hand between my legs and not so subtly shoved a bunch of fingers inside me, and out, and in, and stayed in. A second later he shoved harder and lifted me off the ground, and his hand tightened on my throat. My breasts felt ready to pop with the cloth tied above.
Shaken, mouth wide, I fumbled out a “Yes.”
“Good but slow.”
He let me down, and I partly crumpled, legs folding until I recovered and stood against the stone. I watched him undo his belt and whip it from the loops, and I dared to wonder if he meant to thrash my ass with it.
“Turn around.”
Oh, yes. I turned, sure he would make me bend over to bare my ass. Instead, the belt was wrapped about my neck, and he shook me.
“Open your mouth.”
When I opened, he slipped the belt between my teeth, cinched it in, and knotted it at the back. Then he pulled me around. I had to bend low, almost to his thigh, because his hand was down there. He towed me, tottering and wondering where I was going, to a waist-high part of the parapet and bent me against it, stomach down.
Gargling at the belt in my mouth, I attempted to turn and put my hands to it.
“Touch that belt,” he threatened, “and you will be fucked downstairs in front of the staff, night and day, unless doc says stop.”
I wavered then lowered my hands, let him bend me over the stone. I clasped my arms over it a little afraid because the ground was down there, just beyond the curve of stone. Using the belt, he steered my head, controlled me.
He nudged my legs apart again, stepped away. I thought he stared at me, until I heard a click-whirr and saw the flash of a phone taking a photo.
I raised my head a smidgen. “Cassius—” Saying that made me spit around the belt.
“Shhh. You’re mine.Thisis mine now.” The belt was seized for a moment, shaken. His finger brushed down my pussy, separating my lips, before slowly sinking into me and revolving. I felt myself clench onto him. “I needed a memento of you, and your cunt, for when I’m away.”
He drew his finger higher and reached my ass. “Such a pretty cunt. And so sloppy wet. You were too slow in answering.”
His thumb screwed into my asshole. He tugged on the belt, just a little, then I heard him move in closer. His voice was just behind and above.
“So, I’m not letting you come. Come and I will use the belt until you scream, until your ass and back are red, red, red.”
That. Sounded. Brilliant. My thoughts were syrup, my eyelids fluttered, as his cock nudged at me, worked at me, poked, then withdrew. The tease was agonizing. “Fuck,” I croaked. He found my pussy entrance again and began to push, while his thumb worked in and out.
He penetrated me ever so slowly until I was whining, panting, and arching my spine, then he speared all the way in, shoving me into the stone. “What did you say, Charity?”
“Thank you, sir,” I spluttered—wetting the belt even more. I felt tingling hot, ready to melt into the stone. That cock that joined us was occupying my cunt and my head.
He squashed his body against mine. “You may have saved your ass then.”