Page 12 of Liar
The taxi ride from the airport to the resort was filled with small talk between Adam and the taxi driver. Adam had asked what life was like on the island. He’d also inquired into what the crime rate on the island was. When the driver nearly shrugged off the question, Adam sat back in his seat and looked out the window for the rest of the ride.
When we pulled up to the large resort, I was blown away. The place looked like paradise, and I knew I’d have a hard time leaving when all was said and done. I had been hesitant to take a vacation—I didn’t want to send the wrong message about my dedication to the bureau—but now that I was here, I was glad Bob had handed this one over to me. At least for the time being, I could feel differently depending on how the mission ended.
We approached the front desk and checked in. The lobby was welcoming and crowded with people. It was a wonder they even had a last-minute opening, but it appeared they had a section of rooms blocked off for the wedding, and since Adam and I checked in together, they assumed I was with the wedding party. Our rooms were just down the hall from each other based on the room numbers they gave us.
We turned to walk toward the elevator, and a woman approached us. She looked like she had some Hispanic lineage and her hair was a beautiful dark espresso color. Her eyes were laser focused on Adam. This must be his friend who called him. She was gorgeous, and I was slightly jealous, because his face lit up when he saw her, and he gave her the warmest smile.
“It’s about time you got here! What did you do, swim from Florida?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around him.
“You’re so funny.” He faked a laugh, and his eyes crinkled at the corners. “I’m here now. Just let me drop off my stuff and we can go,” he responded with a teasing smile.
“Who is this?” the woman asked as she turned her attention to me.
“This is Abby. She’s my date. Abby, this is Jasmine,” Adam said, introducing us.
I held my hand out. “It’s nice to meet you,” I offered.
She gave me a quizzical look but took my hand in a firm shake.
“It’s nice to meet you too. I didn’t realize you were seeing someone,” Jasmine said and shot Adam a look. She sounded almost like a jealous ex. If Adam hadn’t explained that she was with his friend, I might have read too much into her question. Regardless, she sounded a bit distrustful.
“We just met on the plane ride over, but I couldn’t resist,” Adam said with a sexy smirk. Honestly this guy was hot as fuck, and it was interesting that he carried that charm with him in conversation with others. It was like an armor he carried to disarm people. The moment he wasn’t interested in interacting with someone, he could lose his warmth and look scary as hell.
I only spent a couple of hours with Adam, but I already knew that he was a puzzle that I liked the more I fit the pieces together.
“Okay then,” Jasmine said with a smirk.
Adam turned back to me. “Let me see your phone. I’ll program in my number.”
I hesitantly handed it over. It would only take a minute of snooping for him to figure out that I was an FBI agent. Bob’s name was in my recent calls list. It was actually a rookie mistake for an undercover mission, and I could have kicked my own ass for it.
His phone beeped with a text message.
“There,” he said, then passed back my phone.Crisis averted.
“I’ll catch up with you later. Enjoy your first night of vacation,” he told me, then he winked.
Jasmine grabbed his arm and started tugging him toward the elevator. I held back and waited a few minutes to allow them to take the elevator without me.
Well, that was interesting…
I went up to my room using a different elevator, and when I opened the suite door, I was awed by the beautiful space in front of me. The walls were a lovely light turquoise color with white trim. The white furniture looked high end, and the bed had a white sheer canopy over it. The space wasn’t massive, but it was gorgeous. It belonged in a magazine, and now I knew why I was paying so much. Once I took a few steps further into the room, I realized that I had an oceanfront room. Not that I could see much now, besides the inky darkness of the night sky and moonlight reflecting off the water. I knew it would be a gorgeous view, and I couldn’t wait to sip coffee while watching the sunrise.
It was something that Lilith would have liked if she were here. I felt a sudden pang of guilt and longing for my friend. She had been trapped in the trafficking ring in NYC. She had been sold a week before the whole operation was busted, and she had been my light in the darkness. She had spent hours telling me about her love of the ocean, and how if she made it out of the high rise, the first thing she wanted to do was watch the sunrise or sunset over the ocean, preferably with a strong drink.I’ll enjoy one for you, Lil.I hope you’re safe.
I had no idea where she was sent, and I wasn’t sure how to rescue her. Those thoughts had consumed a lot of my time since the trafficking ring was raided. Prosecutors and police were still combing through records, and I had no idea how long it would take them to track her down. As soon as they did, I’d be part of the team to go rescue her. I’d demand it.
As I glanced out the window, I realized that it would be pretty difficult for Adam and Jasmine to go sightseeing in the dark. Part of me really wanted to follow from a distance to see what they were up to, but that was a line I couldn’t cross. I couldn’t take a chance of getting caught so soon without building some sort of trust. Jasmine did not seem like the type of woman to be easily fooled. In fact, she kind of reminded me of myself.
My phone vibrated in my hand.
Bob: Make it there okay?
I smiled at his concern.
Me: Yes, I ran into Adam Strong in the airport, and he asked me to be his date to his friends’ wedding. P.S. This place is expensive as hell, and you better be wiring some money to pay for it.
Bob: Good, keep earning their trust. Let me know if you reach any major developments.