Page 17 of Liar
“Won’t that be weird? I’m not part of the wedding party.”
“Doesn’t matter, you heard Christine. She wants you to go, and so do I,” he said. I could hear the slight hesitation in his voice, like he had been scared to put himself out there. That threw me a little, because a man as intimidating as he looked didn’t strike me as the kind of guy to be scared or hesitant.
“Okay, why not? What does one wear to these things?” I never got invited to weddings or nice events, unless they were work related. All my friends from high school or college stopped inviting me when I never showed up.
“Did you pack a sundress of some sort?” he asked.
I nodded my head.
“Perfect, wear that. The rehearsal is on the beach, so you don’t even need shoes,” he said.
“What did you want to do before then?” I asked.
“Hold that thought,” he said.
“Guys, I’m bailing on our plans. Let me know how it goes,” he said.
“Will do,” Jones said. Neither he nor any of the other guys seemed slightly upset. It was almost as if they expected this. They huddled together with their faces close together. They started some private conversation that was clearly not meant for my ears.
“Are you done?” Adam asked me as he stared at my plate. I took one last bite of the chocolate crepe and nodded.
“Let’s go. I want to check out some of the cool things the island has to offer.”
We stood up, and I said goodbye to his friends. I felt satisfied enough with the introduction. I wasn’t indoctrinated into their rag-tag team, but it also didn’t end with them telling me to stay away from their friend. So I’d say I made some progress.
Adam took me to the beach outside the resort, and we walked side by side. We watched people parasail in the clear waters around us, and a few boats took people out for different diving experiences. I thought it would be cool to do one of those, if my trip really was for vacation. Unfortunately, I wasn’t on vacation, I was undercover, no matter what the bureau thought.
After a stroll on the beach, Adam bought me a drink at the outside bar, and then we parted ways so that he could get ready for the rehearsal. If I was being honest, my time with Adam had me very confused. I was so attracted to him. He was kind and attentive. He seemed comfortable with silence, and that was a very underappreciated trait. And the way that the sun had him sweating had me imagining what he would look like covered in sweat in the bedroom, beneath me. His eyes were bright in the sunlight, and I sensed something in him that I really liked. Hence the confusion, because I didn’t want a relationship; I had no time for one, nor the mental capacity to deal with another man in my life. Bob Dempsey was bad enough. Adam had me wanting to throw caution to the wind and fuck his brains out. Seriously, it should be a crime to look the way he did, to be as hot and considerate as he was. It was only a matter of time before other tourists approached the group looking to hook up with the single men, and I couldn’t blame them one bit—they were all attractive. I just hoped that maybe I would have my shot at bedding Adam before anyone else took their shot.
On top of wrestling with my own expectations, I was wrestling with something I hadn’t felt from an undercover assignment so far: guilt. I had never felt guilty for the lies I told while undercover, but there was a first time for everything. I wished things were different and I could tell Adam the truth, even if I didn’t want a relationship. I still didn’t enjoy lying to him.
I sipped on my drink as I returned to my room to get ready. I laid out the dress and took a shower. As I stood there washing off the sand and the sun, I imagined what it would be like to sleep with Adam. Was he dominating or submissive? Did he have any strange kinks? It was all I could do to stop myself from imagining him bending me over the back of the bathtub and having his way with me. To feel him running his powerful hand down my spine as he took me from behind. My core throbbed at my naughty thoughts.
By the time the rehearsal came around, I was so turned on by the thought of Adam that I hoped that he’d invite me back to his room after dinner.
“You look nice,” Adam said as I found him on the beach. I supposed I did look nice. I was in a pale blue spaghetti strap sundress. The sides had small cutouts, which also exposed some of the ink I had on my ribcage.
“Thanks, you too,” I said. He looked fine as hell in his light green short-sleeve button-up and khaki shorts. His arms and thighs looked absolutely massive. Just another reminder of how powerful his body was and what it could do to me. His sunglasses rested on top of his head. He smelled like an expensive, woodsy cologne. I couldn’t get enough of the view or the scent.
“Are we ready to get started?” a woman who seemed extremely uptight said.
“Yes, Mrs. Daniels. Let’s get started,” the man holding the Bible said. He rolled his eyes and was clearly put off by the woman.
Well, this will be interesting.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the love between Christine Daniels and Jake Wells,” the pastor said as he started the ceremony.
I stood two spots away from Jake. Next to him was Jones, and I was on Jones’ left. The sun beat down on me, causing me to sweat. I found temporary relief when the water ran up the beach and covered my feet. The ceremony was short, but Christine wanted to have her feet in the water, and what the bride wanted she got. So every ten seconds or so I was granted sweet relief as the salty water washed over the tops of my feet.
The guest chairs sat a little ways away. Still close enough for guests to hear and see us, but they were provided a little more distance between their nice clothes and the water.
My eyes moved to Christine, who smiled radiantly at Wells, and my heart felt full for them. Her white dress flowed to her knees. The top of the dress looked like a traditional strapless wedding dress. There were sequins and pearls and only girly shit. The bottom part of the dress was a flowy sheer fabric, which was layered over a less-see-through fabric. The breeze caught it and the skirt danced around her knees, just out of the water’s reach. Her bouquet was small and simple, full of turquoise roses and tiny white flowers. Jasmine stood beside her.
The pastor asked Jake if he would take Christine to be his lawfully wedded wife, and I snuck a peek at Abby in the crowd. She watched the vows with a small, polite smile. Her eyes shifted to meet mine, as if she could feel me watching her. She flashed me a smile, and my heart hammered harder in my chest.