Page 26 of Room Twenty-Three: Take My Breath Away
“Whoever it is,” Antonio grips my chin, tilting it up slightly so I’m looking into his eyes, “we’ll make them pay.”
Right now, I have a choice to make. I can continue to keep secrets from these powerful men, hoping the voice will keep his word, or I can tell them the truth, allowing them to see my web of lies. Either way is dangerous, but right now, my heart is leaning toward option two.
“The voice in my apartment.” I sniff, pushing on Matteo’s chest. “They kidnapped my sister and blackmailed me. He said that if I don’t get them information on you, they’ll kill her.”
Both of their eyes are focused on me, searching for something, but I have nothing left to give. I can’t hide the truth anymore; the answer is clear. If I want to help my sister, I need to trust these men to protect me.
Realization dawns on me as my head swivels from side to side. “You need to leave. Get out of here. They’ll know, and… and she’ll die. They’ll kill her.”
Pushing at his chest, I fight to pull from Matteo’s grasp, but he just pulls me in tighter. “Tell us what’s wrong, Celia.”
I continue to ramble as the panic slowly takes over for a second time. “You need to leave before they see you.”
My head swivels between the two of them as I try to find the words to explain to them what’s happening. I need them to leave. The voice could see them here in my apartment at any minute, and then everything will be over. If my sister dies, my soul will shatter, disintegrating into a million pieces to be scattered across the universe.
“Shh,piccolo passero.Everything is fine. Salvatore took care of the cameras when he brought you home.”
Salvatore.My body stiffens at the mention of the older Genovese’s name. My unknown angel from the other night was Salvatore. A ruthless killer who’d gut me from navel to neck without a second thought just to protect his family took the time to bring me home safely and clean my apartment. But why?
“I can see the gears turning in your head.” Antonio rubs the clenched muscles between my eyebrows. “Don’t overthink things. We want you. End of story.”
“Want me?” I squeak in surprise as Matteo pushes to his feet, striding toward my destroyed front door.
“Yes.” His commanding voice echoes through the hallway as he heads directly for the elevator with Antonio close on our heels.
“Wait, you need to slow down for a moment.” I wriggle in his arms, trying to break free, but it’s no use. “Can’t we talk about this?”
“What’s there to talk about,carissima?You belong to us now,” Antonio whispers in my ear before biting down hard on it.What’s there to talk about, dearest? You belong to us now.
“The fuck I do!” I shout, pushing at Matteo’s chest as Antonio presses the button to call the elevator.
“There’s no sense in struggling. We always get what we want.” Antonio snickers as the elevator doors slide open.
These two have to be joking, right? There’s no way these men want anything else from me other than my head on a silver platter. Salvatore was in my apartment; he found the cameras, so he has to know I was up to something. These men don’t seem like the forgiving type.
“Put me down!”
“No,” Matteo says through clenched teeth before stepping into the elevator.
I fight against the panic filling my lungs and try to focus on getting out of here. The first thing I need is for him to put me down. If I can get him to let me down, I can make a run for it the moment the doors open. It’s a long shot, but it’s the only chance I have of not ending up dead or worse before the end of the night.
“You can put me down now. It’s not like I can go anywhere.”
Matteo eyes me skeptically for a few moments before letting my legs fall from his arms and pinning me against the elevator wall with his body.
“What are you doing?” I moan as he nibbles his way down the curve of my throat and grinds his cock into my stomach. “Fuck me.”
My eyes roll into the back of my head as waves of desire shoot through my body. I want to give in, to let them wring every bit of pleasure from my body, but I resist. I’m no help to Willa if I’m dead.
“I plan on it.” He buries his nose in my neck and inhales deeply. “Your smell is fucking addicting.”
Antonio grips my chin, turning my attention to him, and leans forward, brushing his lips against mine. “We’re taking you home.”
“I don’t have a home.” Tears collect in my eyes, a yearning for the one thing I’ve always wanted: a place to belong. I always imagined I’d find that place with my sister, but here are two men promising to create that place for me. Right here and now.
Unless they kill you first.
The thought sends an ice-cold chill down my spine, reminding me of the danger I’m in. I can’t let their sweet words and caresses short-circuit my brain. What I need to do is get far away from these two as quickly as possible.