Page 17 of Yours to Protect
He throws his head back and laughs. “I did not devour your face.”
I was not expecting his laugh. Or how sexy it was. Or the way it sinks into my chest.
“I…look you know what I mean. Movie kisses. Not real kisses. Not that that kiss was real.” Oh God, I need to stop talking.
He’s looking at me again, mischief dancing in his eyes.
“No tongue, okay?”
He gives his lips a quick swipe then presses them together, trying not to smile - and failing. “No tongue. Gotcha.”
“I’m serious!”
He throws up his hands in surrender. “My tongue will stay out of your mouth. Scout’s honor.”
I eye him. “Were you even a scout?”
“No comment.”
I find myself smiling. “I was thinking we should look at this as a script. Plan out our outings and how we interact together.”
His expression sobers and I immediately miss his playfulness. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
“Yeah, this is a job. It’s only right to treat it like one.”
Yes, a professional line. Right. That’s exactly what we need. So, why did his agreement create a big ball of disappointment in the pit of my stomach?
It doesn’t matter. I give him my best acting smile. “Okay, good. I’m glad we’re on the same page about that.”
His eyes narrow, but then he gives me another nod before saying he’s going to shower. When he gets up, he notices my book on the ground where I tossed it. He bends and picks it up. The cover is discreet, not giving away the true spiciness inside. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and a crooked grin.
“This isn’t very Home & Heart material.”
“How would you know?”
“I’ve read it.”
“You’ve read a romance novel?”
He shrugs. “I’ve read the whole series, wildcat. It’s a bit more than a romance, wouldn’t you think? It’s pretty erotic.”
He’s not wrong. It’s about an assassin and the FBI agent she falls in love with. There’s a lot of forbidden and kink aspects in it.
“I didn’t exactly peg you for a romance novel type.”
“The first book came out during my last year in the military. The guys that had girls back home kept talking about how this book was making all of them hot and bothered. And when they went on leave…let’s just say that two of the women got pregnant. When a book is that potent, there’s no way I wasn’t going to check it out.” He nods toward the well-worn book as he hands it back to me. “Guessing this isn’t the first time you’ve read it.”
“No, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve read it. I love it so much.” I run my hand down the cover. “You know they’re making a television series out of it?”
His brows shoot up. “Oh really? It better be on a streaming service. The knife play scene is important. Would hate to see it cut.”
My heart picks up at the mention of the erotic scene, the first time the protagonists get together. That was the scene I read before I went to the pool last night. To say it’s potent is an understatement.
“I would hope they’re doing it justice. I’ve tried to get a hold of the audition pages, but they aren’t interested in sending them to me.”
He tips his head. “Why not? You’d make a badass Camilla.”