Page 37 of Yours to Protect
Jesus. So much for space turning down the temperature between us. Now I can totally see Autumn as Camilla and all the kinky and hot things she did in that scene. Hell, I don’t even need to picture her as Camilla. I imagine Autumn more than willing to explore that side of herself, her sweet filthy mouth demanding pleasure – and I’m the guy giving her everything she asks for.
“Did you know that this place is real? Cara told me that she learned about it when she was traveling in Europe.”
“Think she went?”
Autumn set down the book. “She said once she explained she was an author, they wouldn’t let her in. She ended up secretly interviewing people who did go.”
“You know there’s one in Austin.”
As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret it. Knowing Autumn, she might beg me to go. For research, of course.
Her attention snaps to me. “What? A sex club?”
Yep. Interest is piqued. It’s too late to backtrack now.
I shrug. “The sex part isn’t explicitly advertised.”
“Is that even legal?”
“It’s not a brothel or anything. The owner goes to great lengths to make sure everything is on the up and up and consensual.”
Her eyes are bright and full of curiosity. “How do you know so much? Have you been there before?”
“No, butPersonally Yoursstarted out as their primary security and now we contract on occasion. We had to make sure we weren’t getting ourselves into anything illegal.”
Her jaw drops. “Are you kidding me?”
She sits up and I can feel the excitement bouncing off her. “Tell me about it. Is it some underground thing?”
I laugh. “Far from it.” I pick up my phone and bring up the website. The home page shows a picture of a large mansion that’s part modern, part southern charm lit in a golden glow against the night sky. I show it to her.
“Fantasy Gardens,” she reads. “It looks like a hotel or event venue.”
“You’re not far off. It was built about thirty years ago for the main purpose of being a wedding venue. It was popular for a while, but the owner ended up selling it to the current owner whose made it into…”
“Your fantasy.”
A flare of desire and interest light up her whiskey eyes before she looks back down at my phone, scrolling eagerly through the site. “There’s even spa services.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty much a spa resort.”
“And the fantasy part?”
“There’s a secret site for that.”
She raises her eyebrows and hands the phone over for me to show her. I take it and look through the website. “You know how Disney does the hidden Mickeys in their movies and parks?”
“Well, the website has a hidden door, so to speak, to take you to the fantasy site. It moves around, I’ll have to find it.”
When I spot it, I lean over and show her the screen. “See that shape?”
She squints at the screen. “It looks like a masquerade mask.”