Page 53 of Yours to Protect
She tilts her head at me. “It’s role-playing, Jackson. The rules don’t count.” She closes the distance between us and runs a finger down my chest, leaving behind a trail of fire. “Remember that and let me know next time you want to play.”
I’m so fucked when it comes to this woman. I don’t stand a chance against her, and I don’t even care anymore. Never in my life have I loved breaking rules more than I have with Autumn Atwood.
Tonight 9pm. Let’s play.
That’s all the card on top of the single red ribbon wrapped box said. Inside there was a gorgeous long slinky black dress. It’s been two days since the costume shop without a single touch from Jackson. Is there any question that I want to play?
At nine sharp, I stepped out of my room wearing the dress that clings to my every curve with a plunging neckline and slits up both legs that show an obscene amount of skin to find Jackson waiting for me looking devastatingly gorgeous in a black suit and tie. His gaze blazed so hot that I thought he was going to devour me right then. Instead, he offered his arm and we got in the car.
We’ve been driving for a while, getting farther away from the city. Where is he taking me? And why tonight when he knows tomorrow is so important?
Tomorrow, I film what might be my only shot at an audition for Camilla.
My scandal might have died down some, but there’s still a big black cloud over my name. I have this one chance to convince the powers that be I’m worth a chance.
Since Jackson and I visited the costume shop the other day, I’ve been in a constant state of doubt. I’ve second-guessed every idea I’ve had to film and have been generally horrible to live with. Jackson’s been great though. He’s listened to me rant, he’s brainstormed ideas with me, and held my hand when I couldn’t seem to calm down. I’ve been so preoccupied with my plans and freak-outs that I haven’t had time to freak-out about us.
What we did in the costume shop was so incredibly sexy and kinky and every night I’ve crawled into bed, I wanted him with me. But I put the ball in his court, so I was going to wait.
Thankfully, tonight the wait is over.
Now we’re driving down a darkened two-lane road seemingly in the middle of nowhere. This is all starting to feel very much like a dark erotic thriller. Especially when he pulls off to the side of the road.
“Open the glovebox.”
His voice almost startles me, it’s been so long since we’ve spoken. I do what he asked, and inside there’s a black masquerade mask. I take it out, the material is light and delicate though the mask is larger than most, one that will cover most of my face.
Suddenly, it hits me where we’re going. I look at him, shocked, and he gives me a knowing grin.
“Put it on.”
He produces his own black mask. Watching him tie it on is sexy as hell. I take a shaky breath and do the same.
He gets back on the road then takes another turn and we’re in front of an ornate gate and gatehouse. A man steps out, not wearing a security guard uniform, but a suit and tie and a simple black mask around his eyes. He doesn’t say anything, only takes what looks like an invitation from Jackson. After he looks at it, he gives a nod and hits a button that opens the gate.
We continue down a tree lined drive and at the end, I can see the large mansion lit in a golden glow. It’s even more beautiful and charming than in the pictures. As we drive, I take in what looks like sculpted gardens on one side and even though it’s dark, I can see small cottages in the background. Right before we get to the circle drive surrounding a large water fountain, there’s a sign that says, Fantasy Gardens.
He pulls up to the valet and has me stay as he comes around to open the door for me. Butterflies take flight in my stomach.
He opens the door and holds out his hand. “Camilla, your night awaits.”
I inhale sharply as it all makes sense now. He wants to me to play Camilla tonight, but this isn’t about the sexy game we’re playing. No, he’s giving me a night to embrace her before my audition.
A flood of emotions rush through me and it takes all I am not to throw my arms around him in a huge hug. After all, that’s not what Camilla would do.
I take his hand instead and tuck my arm into his as he leads me up to the door where a masked man in all black stands. He looks more secret service than doorman. He’s as tall as Jackson though he has more of what I would describe as a boxer’s build. I can’t see his face fully, but he reminds me of a young Russell Crowe. It’s not necessarily in looks, but in the stoic way he’s holding himself.
“Mr. and Mrs. Madden, welcome to Fantasy Gardens.”
I do my best to school my surprise at the name. Jackson went all out, naming us after the characters inEnemy Mine. Nick Madden is Camilla’s love interest and the undercover agent trying to catch her, though they aren’t married in the books.
The door opens and we’re led into a large entry with a grand staircase that curves up to a second floor, an opulent chandelier giving the space a golden sparkle. I can hear club music pumping from somewhere. It seems very out of place in the middle of a house that looks like it could be inSteel Magnolias. There are a few people mingling around. To my left there’s what I would call a sitting room, but it’s filled high-top tables as well as plush sofas and chairs. The women are dressed in sexy cocktail attire and the men in button-downs and slacks. Some have suits on, but most are slightly more casual. Everyone has a mask on.
The man in black leads us to the room to my right where a bar is set up. It looks like a modern version of what a bar would look like in the 1800’s. It’s made of dark wood with delicate carvings, but the glass shelving is all modern and backlit in neon colors.