Page 55 of Yours to Protect
Jackson must realize where my thoughts are going, because he leans in and runs a finger down my cheek then under my chin. He lifts my chin until I meet his gaze again. “Wildcat, trust me.”
That’s the problem. I do. I trust him like I’ve never trusted any man. And it scares the hell out of me.
I nod and take a big drink of my cocktail. “Why did you go through all this trouble?”
He sets his drink down then puts mine next to his. He takes me by the hips and pulls me into his lap until I’m straddling him, my dress bunching at my waist. He reaches up and runs a finger over my lips then trails it down my neck and further to my shoulders where the thin strap of my dress sits.
“Because my little assassin was doubting herself.”
He slips his finger beneath the strap and lets it fall down my arm until it reveals my bare breast. He cups it, rubbing his thumb over the tight nub. I sigh and settle myself further into him, moving my hips to rub myself over his quickly growing cock.
“We’re here because you need to know that you’re not sweet romance.” He leans in and sucks my nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue before giving it a light bite. My head falls back and I press my fingers into his scalp, encouraging him to keep going as I move my hips over him. There was no underwear in the box, and I took that as a hint not to wear any. Feeling my already sensitive skin against the rigid material of his pants is amazing.
“You’re erotic romance,” he says as he kisses his way to my mouth and gives me a thoroughly erotic kiss. “You’re edgy and sarcastic and daring. You’re sexy with the most deliciously filthy mouth that would bring any man to his knees. You’re Camilla, wildcat.”
He gives my bottom lip a quick nip. “And tonight, you’re going to encompass everything she is.”
Tears prick my eyes. I don’t remember the last time someone has believed in me so thoroughly, has seen me for me. And Jackson has, right from the start. I take his face in my hands and bring his lips to mine and we sink into a kiss that’s the perfect combination of soft, sensual, and sweet.
A knock at the door breaks us apart then a female voice asks to come in. Jackson adjusts my dress and I slip off his lap before he gives permission.
A gorgeous woman in a red body-hugging dress and matching mask enters. She’s exactly how I’d cast the infamous character, Ms. Scarlett. Dark hair slicked back, dark intriguing eyes, full ruby lips – she’s a total Angelina Jolie.
“Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Madden, I’m Ms. Scarlett,” she says as she settles into the chair across from us, a few tablets in her hands. “Welcome to Fantasy Gardens. We need to take care of a few housekeeping items before I take you to your room.”
She makes a few swipes on a screen. “I would like verbal confirmation from both of you that you’re here of your own free will and tonight is consensual between you both.”
She looks to me. “I am. It is.” Then she looks to Jackson, and he repeats my answer.
“And have you two been intimate before?”
I blink at that as she looks up at us both. “Um, we have. Why?”
She looks to Jackson for confirmation and when she gets it, she looks back to the tablet. “Sometimes strangers meet here. We like to know going in to make sure everyone feels comfortable and safe.”
“Oh. Well, that’s reassuring.”
Ms. Scarlett forms a Mona Lisa smile. “We pride ourselves on a thorough application process, but we like to take extra precautions.”
She asks us a few more questions and has us verify all our answers then she hands us each our own tablet.
“I encourage all couples to establish a safe word between each other. If you haven’t done so, please do once you’re in the room. For Fantasy Gardens, we establish a safety word. This will be a word that is known only to you and must not be anything you’d say in the heat of the moment or regular conversation. Once you submit your word, it’s immediately implemented into your room’s security system. It works sort of like an Alexa. If at any moment you’re uncomfortable or don’t feel safe, say that word and it’ll trigger security to your room.”
“Wow. Impressive.”
Scarlett smiles a little more widely this time, pleased at my praise. “Thank you. You’ll also be prompted to enter a two-digit number and I’ll explain what that’s for once we’re in your room. Make sure it’s something you’ll remember easily and don’t tell it to each other. Please go through all screens until it tells you you’re done.”
I look down at the tablet and it says pretty much exactly what Scarlett just told us. I enter the word rattlesnake as my safe word. Once I press submit, another screen immediately pops up to enter my two-digit number. The next screen says, For Your Eyes Only, and proceeds to tell me where a hidden panic button is that is unknown to my partner. I have to say, this place really works hard to keep women safe. I click the box that says I understand where it is then hand over the tablet.
Scarlett meets my gaze and gives me a nod as she takes it. Then she gives us a seductive version of her Mona Lisa smile. “I’ll take you to your room.”
She leads us through a different door and into a room that is made of glass except for the wall the door is on. There’s a large opulent four poster bed sitting in the middle of the room and little else. Only a side table on the one wall with some standing lamps and a mirror. The main attraction is clearly the bed – and the wall of glass.
Through the glass is a large open room, dark with neon lights flashing over a dance floor, but there’s also sofas and booths with tables interspersed throughout. It looks like a high-end club. And the room is full of people. It’s not overcrowded, but more people than I expected to be here. Some are dancing. Some are making out. Some appear to be having sex.
They don’t seem to be paying us any attention.
“They can’t see us,” I say.