Page 9 of Yours to Protect
“Nothing, but I’ll go the route you told me to and make sure before going to the house.”
I suppress a groan. Or at least I thought I did. Everleigh is laughing again. “Don’t worry, Autumn. I stocked the kitchen with lots of wine.”
“Oh my God, I love you!”
“All part of my secret plan to make you my new best friend.”
“Consider us BFFs, Leigh-Leigh.”
* * *
I’m really good at putting on my actor face in any given situation. I’m a professional, after all. So, the fact that I’m acting like a petulant child is really pissing me off. I’m pretty sure I wore ‘annoyed bitch’ on my face the whole time Jackson gave me a tour of the house. It really is beautiful, with floor to ceiling windows in the living room and a master bedroom with a bird’s eye view of Lake Austin. It deserved some oohs and ahhs from me and I couldn’t dredge up one.
Now we’ve gone in separate directions, and I’m settled in a chaise lounge on the back patio, listening to the soothing sound of the infinity edge pool’s waterfall with a glass of chilled white wine in my hand. Everleigh gave me a very heavy-handed pour which I appreciate. I really want to get to know the woman who makes Gage happy and has an easy camaraderie with Jackson. How do you go from getting his barks and grunts to his jokes and laughs? Even if I do find his barks and grunts as sexy as I do annoying.
There’s seriously something wrong with me.
I don’t even know why I’m bothered by his Jekyll and Hyde behavior between the airport and car. Of all people, I should understand he was playing a part. I was playing along with him. Except his words, his hug…his kiss. It all felt genuine. And I needed real in that moment. The fact that it wasn’t…
I shake off the thought. It doesn’t matter.
“I’m really sorry I’ve been such a bitch and not even properly introduced myself.”
Everleigh waves off my apology with her wine glass. “It’s fine, we’re BFFs now.” She looks at me then. “And if you think I didn’t take that declaration seriously then think again. I used to rearrange my Thursday nights aroundSunset Beach. I always thought we’d be besties one day.”
I laugh and lift my glass in a salute. “To new BFFs.”
Her eyes light up as she clinks my glass. “Okay, the fangirl in me just gushed a little. Don’t worry, I won’t let her out. I’m cool.”
“Cool enough for me to call you Leigh-Leigh?”
Everleigh cringe-laughs as she rolls her eyes. “Please don’t. I don’t think Gage will growl at you for calling me Everleigh.”
“I have to say hearing Gage growl at Jackson for snapping at you was pretty awesome. I’ve never seen that side of him before.”
“I’m pretty fond of his growly side.” She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively
“You two are neighbors, right? How long have you been together now?”
“A few months. I’m a travel nurse and moved to San Antonio in early summer.”
Gage lives in San Antonio, where we grew up, and I was elated when he told me was coming to Austin today to see me and help get me settled with Jackson. And he wanted me to meet Everleigh.
“You guys seem pretty serious, if you don’t mind me saying. Is this a long-term thing or only while you’re in town?”
“Oh, we’re long-term. I’m so in love with him, there’s no way I’m walking away from this. We’ll figure it all out when I get to the end of my contract, but we’re committed to one another.”
Another spike of jealousy rises in me. She’s so sure. Of her feelings, of his. I’ve never had that. That sureness, that trust. My relationships have been one shitshow after another.
“So, what can you tell me about my faux-boyfriend?”
“Honestly, I don’t know Jackson too well yet. Gage and I only went all in on our relationship just over a week ago. We’ve kept to ourselves through most of our time together, but the first time I met Jackson, we immediately hit it off. I’ve hung out with him a couple times this week because he was in San Antonio. He’s a good guy, Autumn. Kind of a goofball at times. I’m not sure where all this alphahole is coming from, but I’ve never seen him in work-mode before. He’s a good friend to Gage, really protective of him. Once y’all get on the right footing, you’ll see.”
Goofball? I guess I got a glimpse of it with his whole Leigh-Leigh conversation. Was that the real Jackson? Was that the same man who told me he had me?
A nervous little flutter takes flight in my stomach. And I hate it. Because I know exactly what it is. Hope. And usually when hope blooms, I’m inevitably disappointed. And I’m so tired of being disappointed. I honestly don’t know how much more my soul can take.