Page 16 of Rekindle
Dad had always been a good listener, and I expressed all of my concerns, with Paul being nosy in our relationship, working schedule, lifestyle, and other worries about my relationship with Gareth to him. Except what happened between him and Tina. He has enough to deal with.
After I expressed my frustrations, he took my hand and said, “Communication is key to any relationship, Nina. Trust your feelings and yourself. No one should have an opinion about your relationship. That only lies between you and Gareth. And Paul, yes he mentioned him to me moments ago, should mind his business, but Gareth needs to address the behavior. You two love each other. Don’t let insignificant people get in the way of your relationship.”
I leaned close to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I watched Gareth and Tina argue outside. He pointed his finger at her, and she remained silent. She sped off, and Gareth returned inside.
“Mr. Vega. Thank you for the invitation. Food was delicious. I wish to say goodbye to Mrs. Vega.”
“She is sleeping at the moment, but I will let her know.”
“Thank you. If you need anything I am available.”
“Gracias, Gareth, but we can manage best we can.”
Gareth glanced at me, then at my father, then back at me. “Nina.” Dad gave us a little privacy and went to the living room. He turned on to the Spanish news. “I love you.” He whispered. “I’m not letting you go.”
I knew he wasn’t. He stepped forward but I stepped back. One more imploring gaze, then he left and got into the black SUV—previously arranged to pick us up after our trip—and left.
Dad turned his head to the window and saw Gareth get into the SUV. I was glad he hadn’t seen the argument between Tina and Gareth.
“I thought you two were leaving together.”
“He had to leave for business,” I said.
“You know I would never ask for money. Even if he had the best intentions which he does. But—”
He picked up my bags and put them on the floor.
“Coffee?” I offered.
“Black, and a slice of bread please.”
“Coming right up.”
My phone vibrated on the counter with Gareth’s name on the screen. It was for the best I didn’t respond then. Seconds later, a voicemail followed. I ignored it.
Gareth had keys to my apartment. He wasn’t going to give up. I was still annoyed about how we left things in New York but I had no energy for arguments.
I stretched my arms out only to notice him wonder at my naked legs. I tried my best to hold a smile. His hands and lips weren’t the only things that aroused me. But something about his face was off. I rubbed my eyes again to get a better focus and I felt a lump on my throat. His eyes were bruised, and his knuckles were red with some skin tearing off his hands. His lips were gashed a bit, but they were healing.
I froze in place and placed a hand on my mouth. I felt cold and I examined his face. I hurried to him and lifted my hands but hesitated to touch his face. Gareth focused on my reaction when he held my hand, and his hot breath kissed my wrist when his lips touched my skin.
“I’m fine.” He said as he leaned his forehead against mine.
“What happened?” I asked holding on to the tears. Gareth was never the type to fight someone. But it happened.
“Just a civil dispute.” He said sarcastically, ripping paper towel and gently tapping the wound. He paused to look at the towel and bunched it up in one hand. “It involved you and my business. I want you to understand, Nina, my relationship with you is not something I will jeopardize because of work. You are too important to me.”
“And Paul?”
“Paul betrayed my trust and loyalty. I had my suspicions in regard to some secret projects I had and why parcels were taking too long to purchase or were no longer available. Some of them never came to fruition because other developers got ahead of me. He sold my ideas to my competitors. And was going to make it seem that it was you who stole my projects and profited from them because you needed money.”
“I dealt with the problem.” he presented his hands and gash on his lips as evidence. “Professionalism went out the window when he used inappropriate words to describe you. I couldn’t control myself.”
“I’m sorry your friendship ended. But I am glad you kicked thatpendejosass.”