Page 43 of Hunting Time
Merritt was career law enforcement. Started as rookie, sixteen years ago, Vice, Street Crimes, Narcotics, promoted to detective ten years ago,working corruption and organized crime mostly. Was decorated. No complaints regarding performance until about three years ago.
After Merritt’s release, information arose that he had told other cons in County that when he was released he was going to find Allison and kill her.
Merritt has history of opioid and alcohol abuse. In the years before his arrest, police were dispatched to marital home dozens of times, no arrests made. Merritt sporadically attended various 12-step programs. Unsuccessful. Had not attended for a year prior to assault that led to his arrest.
Merritt and Parker have one child, Hannah. 16.
Allison is senior nuclear engineer at Harmon Energy Products. Has national security clearance. Invented S.I.T. trigger (prototype stolen but recovered) and a fuel rod transportation vessel, key to the company’s product, a small modular reactor, trade named the Pocket Sun.
Motive for wanting to kill Allison unknown. Possibly revenge. Possibly worried that she knew things about him he wouldn’t want brought to light. Might have been motive for initial assault in November of last year. No one interviewed knew what these facts might be.
Merritt characterized as classic sociopath. Charming and highly functioning on one side, rageful and homicidal on the other.
Discharge order invalidated and warrant issued for his arrest for violation of restraining order by trespassing on her property today. Ferrington PD considers this a minor infraction, and is not aggressively investigating, due to workforce shortage and Merritt’s past favorable history in the department.
Merritt’s name and the make and tag of his vehicle are on the countywide wire. He drives a white Ford F-150 pickup, tag JKT345. Unknown if he has other vehicle.
Merritt’s whereabouts not known.