Page 8 of A Wife for Christmas
Now that we’ve accepted this ruse, we’ll need to see it through.
That will be easy for me.
I once burned with jealousy, thinking about the lucky fuck who would get to make Sienna his wife.
Now I burn with another intense feeling. Possession. And if I have an excuse to let her see a slice of that…well, that’s irresistible. “I didn’t come here just to turn around and leave.”
“You came all this way to tell me I can’t quit.” She laughs again. “This is a nightmare. And how did you even find me?”
He didn’t need to answer that one. She figured it out herself in a split second.
“You tracked my phone?”
“Our phones are linked. By your own doing.”
“Because you lose yours all the time!”
“And I have appreciated every time you’ve found it for me.”
“You can’t use the location tracking to hunt me down!”
“Let’s call it even, since you shouldn’t have told your family you were dating someone named Jake. Let me guess, he’s six-foot-three with reddish blond hair and an annoyingly good track record for knowing inane trivia?”
A knock at the door cuts off whatever stormy protest she was thinking of launching back at me. She pushes against my chest and I step back, then turn around so whoever is there doesn’t get a front row view of the erection that strains at the front of my jeans.
Sienna might be just furious enough to not notice, but it’s painfully obvious to anyone else who might eyeball the front of my body.
My cock has decided its unleashed now, and logic no longer applies. I’m thick and heavy and horny for Sienna, no matter how mad she gets at me.
Her sister tells her that dinner is on the table, and my window for explaining anything properly closes.
“We should—”
“Yeah.” I turn around again and catch her wrist. Her eyes flare, but she doesn’t pull away from me. I smooth my thumb over her racing pulse point, and hold her gaze with mine. “Remember, Sienna. I’m your adoring boyfriend.”
“But you’re not,” she breathes. “This isn’t going to work.”
A muscle twitches on my temple. I can feel it, and her gaze jumps to it. I know she’s thinking that I’m not capable of this. That she’s known me for two years, and in that time I’ve proven frustrating, cold, sharp-tongued, and emotionally unavailable.
That for two years, I’ve been nothing but a bossy jerk who asks for too much and doesn’t appreciate her nearly enough.
“Give me one night,” I growl. “We’ll get through dinner, and then we can talk again. And until then…” I lift her wrist to my mouth and brush my lips against her quivering pulse point. “Trust me.”
“Trust you?”My voice is shaking even as I glare at him, because my skin has been seared by his lips and what the hell is he playing at?
He gives me a hard-to-read look at makes me want to stomp my feet in frustration, but before I can snap at him again, he moves his hand to my chin, lifts my face up, just so, and brings our mouths together firmly this time. A warm, real kiss, not a tease, not a brush of his lips against mine.
My cold-as-fuck boss is kissing me, and there’s nothing chilly about it.
His lips are soft and warm, and when I shudder, the kiss deepens, his mouth opening and sliding against mine. He tastes better than my fantasies, and it’s so, so hard not to lick my way inside and never leave.
But he can’t kiss me like this. He can’t kiss me at all. That is not a way for him to win me back as his assistant, none of this is, and explaining that is going to break my heart all over again.
“Jacob,” I breathe against his lips.