Page 31 of Desecrated Saints
“You, of all people, know I can handle myself,” I explain angrily.
“That doesn’t mean you have to. We’re all just trying to help you get through this, but you’re pushing us away and trying to hide from what’s happening back out in the real world.”
“I am not!”
“Lies. You’re being a fucking pussy, Brooke.”
Before my fist can connect with his jaw, Hudson snatches my hand. I wrench it from his grasp, snarling like an animal. No one will find his body out here, right? I’ll be doing the world a favour by slitting his throat.
“I’m a pussy? You’ve barely spoken to me since you stormed off like a baby last week. I’m not the only one in denial here. If I’m a pussy, you’re a coward.”
“You take that back,” he utters.
“You first, dickhead. Don’t start a fight if you aren’t prepared for the truth.”
Hudson tries to grab me by the throat, but I block him and slam my fist into his gut instead. Doubling over, he grabs my waist and pulls me with him. We both tumble to the moss-covered ground. Writhing and attempting to claw his face, I let out a hiss as he straddles my body.
“We’re dropping the pretence then, yeah?”
“Fuck you,” I growl. “Let me go before I really hurt you.”
“I’m not done.” Hudson grips my throat. “Yes, I have a problem with the way Seven looks at you. You’re my fucking blackbird, you hear me? Mine. I share your ass with three other men already, and you want to add a fourth into the mix?”
Managing to get a punch to the face in, Hudson barely reacts as he’s knocked off balance. I take advantage of his surprise and turn the tables. With my legs wrapped around his torso, I hold him captive beneath me and headbutt him straight in the nose.
“Fight me all you want.” He glowers through the blood streaming down his chin. “I’m not afraid to put your infuriating ass in the ground. Try another punch, see what happens.”
Curiously, I dip my index finger in the stream of hot blood coating his face. Hudson watches as I swirl the moisture around my finger, before bringing it to my mouth and consuming every last drop.
“Nobody said anything about adding a fourth person or whatever you’re insinuating, you controlling, egotistical bastard. I spent months watching Britt trail around after you like a bitch in heat. Now you know how it felt.”
Staring up at me, Hudson lets loose a laugh.
“Jesus Christ. What are we doing?”
“You missed this, admit it.”
“I missed you. Not your temper.”
Leaning close, I peck his lips. “Who did I learn my temper from, Hud?”
He grabs a handful of my short hair and drags my lips back to his. Teeth clashing, I forget how to exist while Hudson makes it his mission to invade every inch of my mind. He forces everything out, kissing me like the sky is falling down around us and this is our last moment on this earth.
The steady stream of blood running between our lips makes everything messy as hell. Like a red flag to a bull, my remaining self-control is obliterated. Seizing his sweaty tank top, I break the kiss to rip it over his head, revealing his inked torso and healing shoulder. The bullet wound is still swollen and inflamed.
“I used to dream about killing you myself, after you left me behind at St Anne’s.” I trace the injury with my finger. “Never thought I’d be the one standing between you and death when the time came.”
Hudson chuckles. “Clearly, you’re the only one allowed to take me out. If I’m to die, the least I can do is give you the satisfaction of taking my pitiful life.”
“What would the fun be in that?”
I bite his plump, inviting bottom lip. Hudson retaliates by gripping the hem of my loose t-shirt. Tearing it over my head, he makes short work of tossing my sports bra aside too. My breasts are exposed to the damp air, contrasting the heat of his mouth securing over my hardened nipple.
Gasping, I grind myself on his lap. His erection is pressing up into me, demanding attention. Rolling the other bud between his fingers, Hudson pauses to glance up at me.
“You know, I’ve been thinking. Since you slit Britt’s throat, it’s only fair that I put a bullet between the one-handed psycho’s eyes. Equality and all that shit.”
“Seven isn’t a psycho, and don’t pretend like you’re doing me a favour by hating him.”