Page 49 of Desecrated Saints
Theo listens to our conversation while fixing two mugs of coffee. He blushes when our eyes connect for a brief second. He’s got some major social anxiety going on, but I can’t help but like him in an odd sort of way. Wearing another flannel shirt, this one covers a vintage superhero t-shirt.
“When are you two planning to leave?” Kade queries.
Taking seats on the opposite side of us, Theo opens his laptop and sets to work. He pushes his silver, wire-rimmed glasses up his nose when they slip down. I have enough men in my life, but even I can admit he’s adorable.
“Alyssa will enter Harrowdean tomorrow. I’ll be returning to HQ to report back. We’ll be in touch. Hunter will want to meet you all and obtain your evidence.”
“Alyssa?” I splutter.
Theo’s face pales. “I, ah… um. I didn’t say that.”
Kade exchanges a look with me. “You definitely did.”
Sadie glowers at Theo, causing him to blush even harder. He looks like a literal beetroot, hiding behind his laptop for safety. You wouldn’t believe this skinny, timid geek works for a huge security firm.
“Your name is Alyssa?”
“I really didn’t mean to let that slip,” Theo curses.
Punching him on the arm, Sadie returns her attention to her phone, dismissing the conversation. Kade subtly shakes his head, ordering me to drop it. We’ve all had to make sacrifices in order to survive. Her life has been put on hold too, I suppose.
“When are we meeting the infamous Hunter and his team?”
Theo meets Kade’s eyes. “He will dictate that. You’ll be contacted.”
“You’re not going to tell us anything? Seriously?”
“Classified, I’m afraid. Keep your heads down and eyes open, that’s my advice. This contact appears to be on your side, but loyalties change. Good people don’t sell information for no reason.”
“We’re capable of taking care of ourselves,” Kade defends hotly.
“More than you pretentious assholes know,” I add.
Theo winces. “This is why I don’t do fieldwork, for Christ’s sake. I need to report to the bossman.” Scooping up his laptop, he flees the room before we can pry him with more hard questions.
“Sabre is on your side.” Sadie grabs her own stale breakfast from the cupboard. “You’ll see. Hunter’s going to kill me for not sticking around to see them all.”
I grab her arm before she can pass, hit by a wave of anger so strong, it feels like my insides are on fire. Her eyebrows raise and I squeeze until she’s wincing in pain, fighting to break my grip.
“You knew, all along.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Brooke?”
“All those months in Blackwood, you pretended like you had no idea what was happening. Dropping your hints and lecturing me about breaking the rules, when all along, you knew what was happening.”
“I didn’t know for sure.” Sadie manages to wrench her arm free. “I was searching for answers, like you. If I’d known the truth, do you really think I would’ve left you at Augustus’s mercy? Do you think that little of me?”
I level her with a challenging stare. “You’ve given no evidence to the contrary. We didn’t even know your real name until now. I thought you were my friend.”
“It isn’t that simple and you know it,” she hits back. “You love to stand on your pedestal, but the truth is, there’s only one person in this room who deserved to be in Blackwood. Look in the fucking mirror, Brooke.”
Sadie doesn’t flinch when I slap her across the face. I can’t stop myself. A bright-red handprint blooms on her cheek. She touches the marked skin with her fingertips, lips parted in disbelief.
“You once told me that no matter what the newspapers print, I’m not a monster.” I fight back tears that she doesn’t deserve. “Thank you for being another disappointment. I’m sure your dead parents are proud of what their kids became.”
Sadie slams her coffee cup down so hard, it shatters and breaks into pathetic pieces. Kade watches us both with trepidation. I wonder if she’ll hit me, and whether I’ll actually enjoy the punishment.
“Fuck you, Brooklyn. You and Seven deserve each other. My brother died in that place, and so did the girl I used to be friends with.”