Page 51 of Desecrated Saints
Brooklyn snorts. “I was an amateur.”
“And still hot with your head in the toilet all night.”
“It feels like a lifetime ago. We were so different back then, but at the same time, not. Sometimes I can’t believe I’m here with you, after all this time. It’s still us, huh?”
“It’s always been us, baby. And it always will be.”
“You’re becoming a soppy bastard, Hud.”
I grip her chin hard, digging my nails in slightly. “Don’t mention it. I’ll still take you over my knee and hit you until you beg for mercy, which naturally, I won’t give.”
The queue finally begins to move. I glance over my shoulder, finding Kade ready and waiting. He’s keeping a close eye on Seven by his side, while Eli and Phoenix bring up the rear. We’ve all freshened up for the occasion, wearing clean clothes and matching grim expressions.
My expectations for this meeting are pretty low as it could easily be a bust. We have to try though, especially now that Sadie has fucked off to get herself killed. We can’t sit and do nothing while Incendia hunts our asses like wild dogs that have escaped the pound.
“Eyes sharp, we don’t know who is watching,” I instruct.
Seven scowls at me. “Shouldn’t I go in first?”
“Why, fuckface?”
“Because one of us has the best chance of dealing with any trouble that arises. I’m not sure you can handle yourself, pretty boy, should the time come.”
“Want me to knock you out to double check?”
Seven glares, but makes the smart decision to back down. I fight the urge to slam him against the brick wall and break his nose anyway. The fresh bruises on his face tell me Brooklyn’s already kicked his ass enough recently. He seems to enjoy antagonising me as much as I enjoy plotting his death.
I step up to the bouncer, palming him a roll of cash to slip inside without having IDs checked. The nightclub is a riot of glistening bodies, spilled drinks, and drunken idiots snorting cocaine off every available surface. Definitely not one of London’s finer drinking establishments.
Kade used to take me to all the hotspots when I was first adopted. This place is firmly outside of the law, and the perfect place to meet our dark-web contact. We won’t be interrupted by the authorities. I have no doubt Incendia would kill them to keep things under wraps.
“Stay off the party powder. We don’t need any slip-ups tonight.” Kade takes charge as he steals Brooklyn from my arms. “Beer only, no shots.”
Phoenix eyes up the white powder. “You’re no fun.”
“You can stick to water.”
“No fair! Why does everyone else get to have fun but me?”
“Because last time we were out in public, you scaled a Ferris wheel and someone plummeted to their death,” Brooklyn replies flatly. “No drugs, Nix. I mean it.”
Glowering at us all, Phoenix takes Eli’s hand and guides him to the dance floor. Eli wears a mask of crippling anxiety, and I’m surprised he’s still standing. His jaw clenches as the loud music overwhelms him. I watch Phoenix slam their lips together, stealing his attention from a panic attack.
Lately, I’ve been fascinated by watching them.
And admittedly, a little intrigued.
“You know who we’re looking for?” I force myself to look away from the pair.
“Not a clue. We’re supposed to wait for the signal,” Kade answers.
“In that case, let’s get a drink.”
Heading for the bar, I keep an eye on Seven as he situates himself in a lookout position. He screams of danger with his unkempt hair, stony face and unyielding scowl. Everyone gives him a very wide berth as he glares at them like it’s his day job.
Kade orders a round of beers then disappears to set himself up next to our sadistic guard dog. It annoys me how easily he’s accepted Seven into our midst. The guy’s a fucking nut job. Kade should be more careful, but we all know he’s a bleeding heart.
“Stop staring at Seven,” Brooklyn orders.