Page 148 of Corpse Roads
“Holy shit. That’s a fucking Christmas tree.”
I smack Leighton’s arm. “Language.”
“Sorry, Goldilocks. But seriously, you couldn’t find a smaller one? I knew I should’ve gone with you two yesterday.”
He flops down on the sofa with a tired huff, leaving me to continue sorting through a dusty box of decorations. Hunter dragged it in before disappearing into his office to make some phone calls.
It doesn’t look like anyone has touched the box in a long time. Whoever last packed everything away was methodical. Each package is labelled in neat, feminine handwriting.
I trace the curling script, imagining the woman that once sat in my place. I finally have a name for the ghostly presence that hangs over this family. Alyssa. I feel like I know her, somehow.
“When are we decorating?” Leighton breaks my thoughts.
“Just waiting on Enzo and Theo, I think.”
“Snacks? I haven’t eaten since second lunch.”
I cast him a frown. “Second lunch?”
He winks at me. “I’m a growing boy, you know.”
“Keep eating for three people and you’ll need to go on a diet. I won’t have you breaking my bed with that ass, Leigh.”
His mouth drops open so fast, I swear his jaw might break. I’m too slow to scurry backwards as he throws himself at me, shoving the box aside to lean over me and start tickling my ribs.
“Apologise, princess. I am not fat!”
Gasping for air, I writhe on the carpet. “I’m sorry! Parlay!”
“We’re not fucking pirates. Parlay doesn’t count.”
The way he’s smiling down at me is a huge relief after his silence this week. I know he’s still struggling with what happened, no matter how many times I’ve told him not to blame himself.
I want my buddy back.
He isn’t allowed to self-destruct.
Disappearing to find food, Leighton returns with a doughnut crammed in his mouth, and three more stuck on his fingers. He wiggles a finger to offer me one.
“Yeah, I’ll pass.” I snicker.
“What?” he says around a mouthful.
“That doesn’t look particularly appealing.”
Snorting, he stuffs a second doughnut down his throat and collapses onto the sofa. Hunter’s still wrapped up with his phone call, and Enzo went out for an after-work run to decompress.
Clicking my tongue, I join Leighton on the sofa and beckon for Lucky to follow. She ends up sprawled out across both of our laps, sneaking bites of doughnut Leighton feeds her when I’m not looking.
“We need a cheesy Christmas movie,” Leighton suggests as he grabs the remote. “That’ll get us in the spirit.”
“Why cheesy?”
“Uh, because all Christmas movies are. I dare you to find a single one that doesn’t make you cringe.”
I shake my head at him. “Then why do you watch them?”
“It’s traditional! The cheesier, the better! That’s it. We’re starting with the best, and we’ll work our way down.”