Page 151 of Corpse Roads
His voice is light and melodic, so far from the lifeless drone he’s spoken with in the past. Offering him a smile, he hesitantly returns it, unleashing two perfect dimples.
“We’re going to decorate the tree.”
His face drains of all colour. “I, uh. I’m not su—”
I drag him over to the space we cleared in the corner of the room before he can run off. The boxes of decorations are still waiting, and the massive tree dominates the entire corner.
Hunter trails back in with a pack of beers, handing them out to everyone. I eagerly accept mine. With drinks opened and snacks spilling everywhere, we face the towering tree.
“Ready?” Hunter smiles at me.
I glance at Theo instead. His eyes are trained on the labelled box of decorations. The tension builds as we all wait for him to speak.
“Let’s do this,” he eventually says.
“How about some music, then?” Leighton suggests.
Breaking the silence, he turns the TV channel, and some crazy song begins to blast from the speakers. It’s all tinkling bells and terrible singing that sets my teeth on edge.
We string the tree with lights first. Hunter meticulously spreads them amongst the branches, but his ruthless attention to detail becomes even more apparent when it’s time for the ornaments.
“Just watch, he’ll be getting a tape measure out in a moment,” Leighton mock-whispers.
Enzo takes a swig of beer. “Remember the year we snuck downstairs and messed the tree up? He didn’t speak to us until New Year’s Eve.”
“I thought his head was going to explode when he saw it.” Leighton snorts. “It was worth the sulking though.”
Theo smiles as he listens, sitting cross-legged on the floor. He’s put himself in charge of the decorations box. With each memory he unwraps, his posture becomes more relaxed.
It’s like he’s opening himself up to the pain of being around his family again, but something so simple as decorating a tree is making the grief easier to handle. Not even Alyssa’s handwriting slows him down.
Hunter glowers at the tree as Leighton deliberately places the ornaments too closely together or at odd angles, intent on pissing his brother off spectacularly.
“For fuck’s sake, Leigh! Are you blind?”
“Nope.” Leighton grins at him.
“Then stop messing with my organisation!”
Leaving them to it, I search the room for Enzo. He’s leaning against the wall, watching them spar while drinking his second beer. They all fit together so perfectly.
He’s got his family back.
I’m the one intruding here.
Swallowing hard, I lie about needing a drink and escape. This is exactly what I wanted—getting them all together, seeing the guys back as a family unit for the first time in so long.
I just didn’t expect it to hurt, the realisation that I’ll never be one of them. They’re good people who deserve to be happy. I can never give them that, no matter how much I want to.
Slipping into the empty kitchen, I hop up onto the counter and wait for the kettle to boil. Tears are prickling the backs of my eyes and I feel stupid for letting the feelings overwhelm me.
I should appreciate what I have right now, not waste my time longing for something that will never be mine. It doesn’t matter that the woman they loved is gone, and these four men are screaming out for someone to bring them back together.
“Harlow? Everything okay?”
Swiping under my eyes, I plaster a smile on as Enzo trails into the room and shuts the door.
“Are you okay?” I counter instead.