Page 44 of Loving the Scot
I can’t claim her and convince her to stay if she isn’t even on the same continent.
“I know, but I know what they’ll say,” Alana says, covering her eyes. “That it’s too fast, that I can’t possibly know this soon. I’m changing my whole life for a vacation fling, or I’m just settling for the first man to ever make eyes at me. But none of that is true.”
“This is good,” I say, ducking to try to look into her eyes past her hands and arms. “If you know what they’re going to say, we can think of a way to answer the questions before calling them. Right?”
“Right,” Alana sighs and then shakes her head. She drops her hands and gives me a hopeless look. “Why do you have to be so reasonable?”
I chuckle. “Sorry, I guess,” I say with a shrug.
“When should we do it?”
“As soon as possible,” I suggest.
I don’t want to leave it too long. We need to give her parents time to process and consider it. Us. Even if they do, it will still be a huge shock for them.
There is a strong possibility that they will try to insist that Alana come home or even fly over themselves.
We need time for that.
Time for arguments and persuasion, for coming to terms and making compromises.
Alana pouts all the same.
I swoop down and kiss her, a long and lingering kiss that draws a long sigh from her when I break away.
“Alright,” she murmurs, her hands resting against my chest and her head pillowed against one of her hands. “When you put it like that, I guess I can do it.”
I chuckle. “Then let’s take some time to stage this right. First, we should clean up, dress up nicely, and set the phone up downstairs. I’m thinking in the sitting room, so we can sit on the sofa with the view of the estate behind us. What do you think? Will that impress them?”
“You want to do a video call?” Alana asks, her eyes wide again.
“Well, if your daughter was taking up with some stranger she’d only just met, wouldn’t you at least want to know what he looked like?”
She sighs and nods again conceding.
I want to sweep her into my arms and kiss her again for it, the way she so clearly wants to argue but concede because she knows I’m right.
She won’t argue for the sake of it or let her pride get in the way of reason. Just another reason why I love her so much.
“Then let’s take half an hour to get ready,” I tell her and check my watch. “What time will it be for them?”
“Mid-morning,” Alana replies. “It’s Saturday, both of my parents will most likely be at home, given that they were planning to drive to the airport tomorrow to pick me up. I guess they’ll have cleaned up the house and just be relaxing now.” A trip they won’t need to take now.
“Then it’s perfect,” I suggest. “Don’t you think?”
Alana nods and bites her lip, but I know that’s only out of nerves rather than any objection.
She nods again as if to steel herself, then moves away to start gathering her things.
“Oh!” I remark, remembering one more thing. “Actually, I do have something for you that might help. I ordered it, thinking we might go out one evening, but….”
“But we keep ending up staying in?” Alana finishes, giving me a cheeky smile that goes straight to my cock.
“That’s about the long and short of it,” I say teasingly. “But I got it for you, so now’s as good a time as any to give it to you. You can wear it for the call. Look inside that wardrobe over there.”
Alana steps up to the wardrobe with a look of wonder and opens the doors, then reaches out for the plastic garment bag with a questioning look in my direction.
At my nod, she takes it down from the rail and lays it on the bed, unzipping the plastic to reveal the dress inside.