Page 13 of Monster's Obsession
“I did. He made it easy for me by disappearing that night after finding the queen’s dead body. I knew there’d be a mourning period…”
“And a starving period! Creed said that your people starved after her death!”
“They were already starving before that, thanks to her! He was just too blind to notice! But they would have been dead if I hadn’t acted. All of them would have been dead. Temporary pain is better than death.” He sighed, rubbing a clawed hand wearily down his face. “I knew there’d be something to replace her…someone. I obviously didn’t anticipate it would be a mere mortal,” he sneered in disgust, and I bristled even though that was probably the least offensive thing he’d said thus far.
Tempest was emanating a dark, dangerous energy…practically vibrating with it as he stood there.
“You have to tell them the truth,” I said slowly. “You can’t keep the blame pinned on Steele. They’re going to kill him for that. They could be killing him right now!” My voice became hysterical at the thought.
“They’re never going to know the truth. They would never forgive me. They are all so completely irrational around pussy, I’m the only one who can protect this city.” His hands were trembling. “I’ll do anything to keep my people safe.”
While I could get behind his patriotism, he wasn’t allowed to do it at the expense of Steele. My heart was hammering just thinking about what they could be doing to him that very second. I’d have to be smart about this though. I couldn’t exactly run out of the cave and try to get back into the city myself. I’d most definitely be eaten this time…wait a minute.
“You were the one who left me out there?” I gasped, my eyes widening as realization struck me.
He smiled then, and it may have been one of the most terrifying things I’d ever witnessed.
“Why would you do that? I’m definitelynotplanning on destroying the kingdom! You fools were the ones who brought me here!” My voice was coming out in a screech that even hurt my ears.
“I have no intention of letting history repeat itself. We were able to find one replacement. We’ll find another. Once my brothers get to the point where they’re in love and unable to see what’s right in front of their faces—”
“No one is in love with anyone,” I snapped.
“Surely you aren’t fool enough to believe that,” he drawled. “You could say jump, and all of the idiots would ask ‘how high’?”
Strange how you could be in a completely terrifying situation but somehow still be getting the warm fuzzies at the same time. My brain must have cracked under all the pain I’d just endured. That was the only explanation.
“Tempest,” I murmured, holding out my hand in front of me like you would with a feral animal. “I can assure you I mean your people no harm.”
He was prowling towards me now…every inch the predator. It made me wonder how we’d gotten to the point where I was now the prey.
I tried to stay there. I really did. I knew retreating from a predator was never the wise thing to do. But as his power began to build in the cavern…and his monster fully came out to play…I couldn’t help it. I had to take a step back, and then another, hating how his green eyes gleamed with pleasure at my fear.
“Where are you going, poison?” he purred as he matched me, step for step.
“You’re making a mistake. You think they won’t realize that it’s you this time?” I was proud that my voice only came out with a slight tremble.
“Their grief will cloud their mind, just like it did last time.”
“Who are you going to blame this time? It obviously can’t be Steele.”
His lips curled in displeasure. “I’ll figure it out,” he growled.
I squeaked when my back hit the cold, hard wall of the cave. Wide-eyed, my gaze darted around the room. Which tunnel was the exit?
But then he was right in front of me, ensuring I wasn’t going anywhere. His hate-filled eyes bored into me, no sign of sympathy or regret of what he was about to do anywhere to be found.
A tear dripped down my face. I hated that I was allowing him to see it, but I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help feeling betrayed. I’d given him my body…over and over again…for years.
And it was clear that it meant nothing to him.
“How can you do this? How can you have been inside of me, yet kill me like it was…”
“Like it was nothing?” he purred.
His gaze tracked my face, a flash of heat in his eyes suddenly.
“Does it feel better if I tell you you’re the best fuck I’ve ever had?”