Page 18 of Monster's Obsession
Tempest stepped closer, his face serious, and he kept glancing at me cautiously as if he was searching for something. “I found her wandering aimlessly down by the Hunting Lands. Poor thing was lost and couldn't even remember how she got there.”
“How the fuck did she make it past the walls?”
He was running a hand through his hair, eyes wider than normal. “Beats me, but luckily I found her before she started wandering into the woods.”
“Fuck.” Creed slapped a hand on his shoulder. “It’s good you found her, but I need to know every damn detail.”
“Why don’t I remember any of this?” I squeaked.
But before Creed or Tempest could respond, large arms wrapped around my middle, and Ash’s laughter sliced through the air. “You found her. It’s a miracle she’s intact.”
“Why does everyone think I was dead or something?”
He had me twisting around to face him in his human form, cupping my face, and his lips were on mine, the kiss so passionate, so intense, my toes curled in my sandals.
“I can’t lose you,” he breathed against my mouth. “Ever. You know that, right?”
“Ash, I’m so confused. I don’t remember getting lost. I can’t remember where I was, or how I got there. And I’m worried about Steele. He’s still alive? Please tell me he is.” A sob hitched from my throat just thinking about him dead.
His milky blue eyes pierced right into my soul, though I knew they couldn’t see me. My monster, Ash, was blind. I studied his gorgeousness, his lips curled up with worry, his unkempt hair falling over his forehead. Those sharp cheekbones and beauty that made him a god in my eyes.
“Steele is safe for now,” he said, disgruntledly. “But what’s the last thing you remember?”
My gaze wandered upward, where those vulture-like Avis birds flew overhead, as I attempted to recall the details clearly. How Ash, Seven, and Creed fought against Steele. How I’d discovered the man I’d fallen in love with on earth was here in the Shadowburn realm, and it turned out he was a monster this whole time.
My stomach tightened thinking of the memories of them tearing each other apart, of seeing their blood slice through the air. These men–or rather monsters–had somehow crawled into my heart. To witness them trying to destroy each other…destroyed me.
I glanced over to Creed and Tempest who had stepped farther from us in a heated discussion.
“The last thing I remember is something hard hitting me in the back of the head,” I said, glancing up at Ash as my hand moved to the spot on my head and I winced at the bump. “Then the next thing I knew, I was traipsing through the city with Tempest.”
We were in a city of monsters, so while my heroes were busy fighting like animals, someone could have dragged me away for their own intentions. That in turn sent a shiver up my spine of what they could have done if Tempest hadn’t found me.
It was at that exact moment that I caught movement to the right of Ash.
Seven. He marched past a creepy spider guard, arms swinging by his side, coming right for us fast.
His eyes were immediately on me, his mouth parting with shock. He was next to me in seconds, embracing me, his body shuddering, his soft words in my ear. “I’m so thankful you’re okay. We were about to burn the city down to find you.”
My heart fluttered to hear the ache in his voice. He’d missed me.
“It's a miracle,” Ash added from behind me, not missing out on the chance to join in the hug, though Seven did pull back suddenly. It felt as though he remembered that things between us hadn’t exactly been smoothed out since he’d forced an orgasm out of me against my will.
I still wanted answers why he was acting like such a fucking jerk, and something inside of me hurt to have him pull away. Every inch of me begged for his touch, for him to do something to eradicate this void between us. The urge was so overwhelming I almost raised the point of our discussion then and there, wanting to find out what his problem had been. It was obvious he cared, and yet he’d pushed me beyond my limit.
The thought left me more confused about my emotions, my missing memory, my worry for Steele.
Creed’s and Tempest's footsteps drew my attention as they returned to my side, and I found myself surrounded by all four monsters, their warmth embracing me. I noticed Tempest had stepped back, glancing out elsewhere like he’d rather be anywhere but here.
“You were all so worried about me, it almost makes me feel special,” I murmured, pushing a smile on my face even though I was more than a little overwhelmed and confused. “But maybe someone can take me to see Steele now?”
No one rushed to respond, but by their disgruntled expressions, I didn’t expect them to. Creed’s powerful hands grasped my waist and twisted me around to face him gently. His jawline tightened, but I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. I’d seen them fight to kill Steele, and I suspected it had everything to do with them believing he decapitated their queen. I’d learned from the others that Steele had once been part of their inner circle, it would have been the worst betrayal to them that he'd killed their queen.
I refused to believe that he’d do that though. It would go everything against what I knew about him.
Which admittedly…wasn’t exactly that much.
“I know what you’re going to say,” I admitted, holding my arms tight by my side. “But that doesn’t change that I want to see him, that I’m asking you not to kill him.”