Page 22 of Monster's Obsession
If she knew how obsessed I was with her, how every thought I had, every breath I took was for her…she’d run. She was definitely what the humans called a flight risk.
I glanced over at Ash, noting the amused smirk on his face. He could obviously sense how petrified she appeared holding the baby. She was completely stiff, her eyes wide and terrified as she stared down at the child. Monster babies were extremely resilient. If she dropped it, absolutely nothing would happen to it. Quite different from their human counterparts.
Rachidra was patiently trying to arrange Blake’s arms so it was more natural, but after a second, Drakon gently pulled her away…probably because of the crazy eyes Seven was giving her for daring to touch Blake.
We were all possessive of her, and it was growing every day.
I tried to discreetly adjust my raging hard-on. Seeing her hold a monster baby was almost too much for me to handle. I bit down hard on my lip, trying to keep out thoughts of her pink pussy plump and overflowing with my seed. I was desperate to fill her up, for her to milk all the hot cum out of me. I needed to breed her.
It wasn’t a desire anymore. It was a fucking necessity.
Blake would have my baby.
I just needed to convince her of that.
* * *
Blake was killing me. Watching her hold that baby had all sorts of images in my head. And all of them involved her heavy with my child. Our child. Images of sharing her with Ash, of pumping her full of our seed…they were on constant replay.
Her initial terror at holding the baby had faded after a few minutes. Now she was gazing down at it, her eyes misty as she stared at the baby lovingly. I could just see her with our baby.
Getting her pregnant would serve another purpose as well…keeping her here with us forever. Willingly.
There was always the chance one day she’d wake up and decide that a life full of monsters was too scary for her tastes…or she’d be done with our bullshit…my bullshit. And then things would get really complicated because none of us were willing to let her go. If we could breed her, maybe she’d never get to that point. Maybe she’d be so wrapped up in our child that she would forget we were monsters. If I could only get the demons inside of me to cooperate.
I noted Creed adjusting himself and I felt that pain. Since the first night we’d come to her, I’d been a horny bastard. All I could think about was pinning her down, licking her slowly, tasting every inch of her body. I could never get enough.
I imagined her down on all fours, her stomach huge and rounded, her lush hips firmly in my grip as I fucked her…her soft mewls filling the room.
“Down boy,” Ash whispered, nudging me with his tail, the only monster part of him today.
She’s ours,hewhispered.Hedidn’t like other males in the room.Hedid like the sight of Blake with the baby though, and he pushed for dominance…I’m sure to try and mount her right then.
Not today, asshole, I seethed, gritting my teeth to try and stay in control. Blake glanced up and her mouth dropped, I’m sure seeing the strain on my features.
“Get it together,” Creed murmured, and thankfullyhedecided to heed our king’s warning and once again retreated back with the others.
I could see the indecision on Blake’s face, wondering if she should come towards me. I hated that I was so messed up. I could never be whole for her. And while the other six demons inside of me were relatively harmless…hewas not. She’d never be safe while I had no control over him. I couldn’t repeat what happened the other day, when he’d taken control and…
I could never be with her like I wanted.
I turned away from the sight of her holding the baby. The scene had gone from sweet torture to painful torture.
And I’d had enough of that for a million lifetimes.
* * *
The monster baby, Luco, was nuzzling into my chest, and I swear my freaking heart had melted into a puddle of goo. He yawned, and my eyes widened when I saw rows of tiny incisor teeth.
“Um…he doesn’t use those when he’s feeding…right?” I asked tentatively, blushing when Rachidra and her mates all chuckled.
“He retracts them…most of the time,” she said with a slight wince. I shivered just thinking about the times when he didn’t. The baby made a soft gurgling noise and began to nuzzle more into my chest.
“Looks like he’s getting hungry,” Rachidra murmured, casting a cautious glance at the guys before she reached out for the baby. I awkwardly handed it over to her, admiring how she made it look so easy. She settled back onto her lounge chair, popped her boob out, and began to nurse. It was still a shock how “free” everyone was with their bodies here, but this was something I could definitely get behind. I thought a mother feeding her baby was one of the most beautiful things I’d ever seen…even if I wasn’t so sure I could ever be that confident in the act.