Page 53 of Monster's Obsession
“That’s interesting.”
“Well, the queen did dabble in the art of magic, so it made sense she’d bestow good fortune on her citizens. She loved us, after all.”
I wasn’t sure what to say. Part of me disliked the queen for the single fact that my monsters had been infatuated with her at one point. Another was probably related to the agony her death had brought Steele, tearing apart the circle who were once friends.
I suspected there was so much more going on that I didn’t know, so I smiled at Boltaroy. “Thanks for letting me look around.”
“Of course, but it really would be better if you made an appointment beforehand.” He wandered back to the front of the museum, and I rolled my eyes at how pedantic he was.
Having found nothing new, and deciding it could be explained as the symbol being a good luck charm, I decided I’d make my way back upstairs. If I was lucky, I’d bump into one of the monsters because I wasn’t really in the mood to be alone.
I’d woken up in a mood.
My breasts were aching and swollen, I had a headache, and my vagina was on fire.
My period had started.
Being in this weird fantasy land had distracted me from real life. I hadn’t had a period since coming here…and I’d been so caught up in all the craziness…that I hadn’t thought once about it.
It probably should have been top of mind since I’d been fucked a million different ways lately, but what could I say…the monster dick had distracted me from the fact that I was in fact still a human woman…who did in fact bleed.
And it fucking sucked.
It was also probably dangerous, I thought, as I stared out my window and saw a flying monster zooming nearby…and the spider guards down below on one of the bridges.
I bet those fuckers would get one whiff of the blood and try and eat me alive.
I decided right then and there that I wasn’t leaving the room without backup.
No sooner had I thought that, then a cramp started and I whimpered as it ricocheted through me.
Scratch that. I wasn’t leaving my room. I also wasn’t leaving my bed.
But what would I do about all the blood?
I’d always had terrible cramps. And I’d always been a heavy bleeder. It was the one reason I was allowed to skip school growing up. After I’d had too many periods where I would leak through the pads and tampons, staining my school uniform, they would usually let me take my heaviest day of my cycle at home...simply to avoid the gossip.
The house staff had made sure I had everything I needed. Hot pads and lots of Advil. Sometimes the cramps would get so bad that they would need to bring me more hardcore stuff…and I’d find myself hooked to an IV as they pumped medicine into me.
Fuck. This was one of those times I needed the hardcore stuff.
The hours passed in agony. Silent tears streamed down my face, soaking my pillow.
A knock sounded at the door.
“Go away,” I grumbled, not wanting to see anyone or risk one of the household staff deciding I would make a good snack. I was in no condition to fight off anything.
“Blake?” Ash’s concerned voice called through the door, and my body immediately relaxed. If there was anyone I’d want to see in this place feeling like this, it was him.
I sniffled, and the door suddenly flew open, rattling the room as it slammed against the wall. “What’s wrong?” he demanded, his nose sniffing the air, panic all over his features. “Why do I smell blood? Who hurt you?” His voice was a roar by the time he was done, a slice of violence there I didn’t usually see from my cute marshmallow monster.
“No one hurt me,” I moaned pathetically. “It’s just…my time of the month.”
He cocked his head, his lips pursed in confusion. “Is this a special time? Should we be making a cake?”