Page 18 of The Virgin Market
Damien grabs my wrists swiftly. It almost feels frantic. Damien shouts, “Stop!” That sounds like panic in his voice. I can feel that his cock is rock hard. He wants me. But he’s not going to fuck me.
He pulls me back so that I’m not grinding on him anymore, as if I could after his stern voice shook me to my core in fear…and, goddamn me, arousal.
I whimper.
“You will not come,” Damien says, and that devilish snare in his tone makes me dizzy with need.
I can’t! He won’t let me rub my pussy against him. I could feel the wetness from him fingering me when he was holding my wrists. We both know how fucking bad I need this. I felt his massive, hard cock and I know he wants to fuck me with that huge rod too. So why does either of us have to suffer like this when he wants what I want?
Over a few words that I said when I was supposed to be silent? I need his cock in me and I want him to make me come with that huge cock so badly. He wants to fuck me too.
God, I hate this! I hate being trapped in desire like this and somehow it is so hot at the same time that I’m buried in the taste of delicious agony.
Why must my entire life be turned into a maze of me trying to figure out what I feel, what I need, what right and wrong is?
Everything is so complicated and one single orgasm might’ve made that feel better.
Oh, who am I kidding? That would be just another part of exactly what I’m complaining about. But at least I would get to come.
“Why won’t you let us come?” I pant out, begging for some kind of answer since he said I could be vocal.
“Us?” Damien laughs. “You’re not getting either of us off that easy. Keep being that good girl I know you like to be. I’m not nearly done playing with you, and I know that you like it. You’ll like everything I’m about to do to you,” Damien says with a crazed look in his eyes. I don’t know if that should excite me more, but it does.
It should be terrifying. I know this. But I’m exhilarated.
Damien tears down the flimsy fabric of my dress and his teeth savage my breasts. This isn’t gentle or sweet like a boyfriend might do. Damien is not my boyfriend. He’s my captor. I am his prey…and he hurts me…but it feels so good I feel my pussy clenching with need.
“Stop,” Damien growls against my skin.
He fucking knows.
I whimper with need.
His mouth closes over my breast, capturing my nipple and licking it, then sucking my breast in fully. Then he brings his teeth back to graze my nipple. I groan. How can this be punishment? It feels so good. I let my head fall back. I feel how close my orgasm is.
Damien moves onto the other breast and I’m shaking, trying not to grind on him. I could come now, if I was allowed to. I’m panting trying to hold them back.
Damien stands, holding me against him. Stretching his arm out across the table, he knocks everything to the floor and lies me down against the now cleared table.
He drops to his knees in front of me.
My thighs are so wet, streaks of my arousal sticky down my thighs.
Damien runs his tongue up and down both of them, licking up all of my arousal slowly with his massive tongue.
My legs are shaking. I need to come. The pressure from the building orgasm is making my head hurt, it’s so strong, and I’m out of my mind now. I’m nothing but my body’s mindless need to come.
“Please, Damien, please, please,” I cry out when he looks at me. The blazing lust in his eyes make me greedily beg. I don’t care anymore about what happens to me. I only care that I orgasm.
“I’m going to lick your beautiful virgin pussy until you cry and you will not come,” Damien says. He flashes me a wicked grin. “You’re allowed to beg all you want.”
Oh God, I’m going to beg. It may not change anything, but the need building within me is energy that has to be expended.
“Please, I’ll do anything,” I whimper.
For a moment something flashes in his eyes. Have I said the magic words? I need this; I need this so goddamn much, I hope for that.
“Please, please, please!” I moan out my begging as fast and as earnest as I can. I need this so damn much.
But danger emanates from his being and that moment of whatever flashed through his eyes is replaced with darkness. A delicious darkness that I want to explore, but I know that doesn’t come with me, well, coming. I may not get what I want in this moment, but oh God I need to know where that face and that darkness leads.