Page 55 of The Virgin Market
“About that surprise,” Trevor says. We all lean up on our elbows in bed and exchange glances. Trevor looks to Damien expectantly. The way that they communicate with each other and don’t have to say anything is kind of sweet. Unless they’re keeping a secret from me. Luckily, Trevor is far less patient than Damien, so no secret can stay hidden for long.
Damien smiles and grabs my hand, holding it in his. “We used the money to get you something…it wasn’t right to do just anything, it needed to be about the future. Erasing your past.”
Trevor stands and goes for the clothes pile we all made when we walked into the bedroom. He returns and hands Damien a ring, and Damien slides that ring on my finger.
There are three hearts with so many diamonds my finger is stunned at the weight. It’s so beautiful, I actually make some kind of yelping sound of joy when I try to form the words to express my excitement. “Thank you both so much,” I finally get out after a lot of false starts with overjoyed sounds escaping my mouth. “I love it!” I look back and forth to them, displaying my diamond-encrusted finger for them both to see. “I love you both. Thank you so much for turning something ugly into something beautiful.” That’s the truth. They’ve pulled the disaster that was my parents stealing money from Damien, giving me away, and then Damien even planning to sell me to the highest bidder, and turned it into something that’s the perfect expression of our love. And I can look at it every day.
That’s how I want to feel. I’m hopeful for our future. Thinking in terms of what we’ll be, not what we were or what I didn’t want us to be. I can hardly believe that this is where the road has taken us. I’ve been literally sold to two men, to belong to them, and I’ve never felt more fulfilled or content in my life. I am not living out someone else’s idea of what I should be doing with my life, not living in someone else’s idea of happiness. I have my own very different idea about what happily ever after is, and it involves double the orgasms, so I’d say I don’t need to worry about what anyone else thinks.
“Shower, sleep, morning sex?” Trevor says with a yawn. He scoops me into his arms in a massive bear hug. Damien kisses my cheek and I didn’t realize just how tired I was until my eyelashes start to flutter.
I yawn. “Maybe we do sleep, shower, morning sex?” I say, but my eyes are already drifting closed again. The last thing I remember as I close my eyes is cuddling against Damien while Trevor cuddles me. Damien’s massive bed houses us all so easily, and I drift into a content and dreamless sleep in the embrace of my two lovers.
When I wake up in the morning, I’m not still tired so much as lazy. Damien takes one look at my pouty face—he’s already up, showered, dressed, and by the looks of it, ready to start the day. Trevor and I are a tangle of limbs that aren’t particularly interested in moving. “You two go take a bath. Try to actually get clean while you’re getting dirty, and I’ll see you for breakfast in a few.”
Stretching my arms out and catching my breath in a morning yawn, I gasp at the sudden tickle invasion that Trevor launches. “You, me, some suds?” he asks with a boyish grin. He’s the most handsome grown man I’ve ever seen that can seem so boyish and youthful at times. Damien is hard edges, serious, and even when he’s softer, he’s so differently mannered than Trevor. Together, they are my perfect men and I like it exactly like that.
Trevor scoops me up and carries me to the master bath, starting the tub and holding me in his arms while the water flows in. He drops a bath bomb that looks like a black and blue starry night into the tub. It smells like vanilla and cinnamon and I can’t wait to feel the warm water on my skin. Of course, in Trevor’s arms, there are other things that I can’t wait to feel more of, too. Waking up so refreshed after the hectic and then incredible night we all had last night, it’s a welcome relief to feel horny and completely unstressed.
“After last night, we definitely need to actually bathe,” I say, stretching my arms out as he sits me into the bubbly bath water.
Trevor wraps his arms around me. “I’m all about cleaning.” He kisses my forehead. “Let’s start with hair.”
I’ll never know what to expect with these men, I swear. Trevor pulls my chest against his stomach and lays us down in the water. His fingers slide through my hair and he gets it all wet. Of course, I giggle, Trevor is good at getting me wet. He squeezes a dollop of shampoo into his hand, then rubs them together and lathers through my hair.