Page 10 of Two Beasts
“Oh, Vincent,” she sighs. I wonder what that sigh means. What inspired it? What is she thinking? Oh, to be able to tap into the female brain, pick it apart, and truly understand it. Someday, Vincent, someday.
I need wine.
I almost say this aloud, but then she parts those pretty lips and finally speaks again.
“You always say the right thing.” She says this as if it’s bad. Was I supposed to say something rank?
Perhaps it’s true women prefer bad boys. The ones they know will break their heart and yet they act surprised every single time.
Oh, how could he?
“Vincent?” she calls for my attention, so I devote my eyes to her face, which is extremely pleasurable.
There’s something on her mind. “Yes.”
She nears me and kisses me very slowly on my lips. “You are so handsome,” she says. She stands on and takes this picnic blanket I usually leave out here for convenience sake— like this moment occurring right now—and spreads it out beneath her and lies over it.
“Let’s make out like high school… kids or something.” I see her eyes cast downward for a moment. Neither one of us had much of a normal life to speak of, growing up, so I know that’s she’s looking recapture some of those childhood memories that she doesn’t have with me.
“Vincent.” She says my name and light little laugh there doesn’t hide how much she wants this. I’m glad she’s looking to explore our attraction now that we’re in private.
I get down on my knees and kiss her. It’s a great kiss, but she wants more. She’s passionate now. That orgasm has her going. She wants another one. Women and their bodies are tricky; it has to be the right spot at the right second. I want to beat Nathan at this every time.
I kind of wish I would have brought wine out here with us. Usually I plan everything perfectly, but this woman has messed with my head, throwing me off my game it would seem.
She spreads her legs around me and feels how hard I am.
“Oh…” She pushes and rubs. She places her hand down there, and I kiss her very hard. Then I kiss her neck and pull at her hair.
I look down at all the buttons along the front of her dress. Her panties are still on the ground. I push her dress up so her bottom is against the cobblestones. She’s between those hard things and my hard cock. We kiss harder.
“I want you, Vincent.”
“I want you, too.” Why do I sound so damned uncertain? Take her. She wants you.
I want her as she is, dying for me. It’s cruel I know, to leave a girl in this state. But if I give her everything now, how can I compete with Nathan?
I sit up and really wish I’d brought that wine.
My cock is stirring; it wants her badly, and I think of all the sounds I could have her make and all the earth-shattering responses I could bring from her if I took her the way she wants me to.
“I’m going to get that wine; you stay here, okay?” I look at her. And I have this fear that while I’m gone to get the wine, Nathan will come along and snag this night away from me.
But if I come back with the wine—which is a lovely expensive red I’ve brought to the palace with me to celebrate—is a good choice on a night like this.
I walk back to the castle, this image of me leaving her there in that white dress, panty-less, toyed with. Am I doing the right thing? I want this night to be perfect, and I feel like by wanting that, I’m making it worse.
Because the best nights happen completely unplanned. I stop and start to head back down the long trail of steps. And then I turn around yet again and continue back to the castle.
This indecision is driving me crazy. This is not how a man should behave. Take charge.
I go inside the castle and walk up to the kitchen, which is up a few gorgeous refurbished cherry wood steps, and I walk down the hall and the cherry wood floor turns into a metal staircase that leads down to the cellar. I’ve often fantasized about bringing her down here for sex. Some good rough sex.
Is she still sitting there on those cool cobblestones beneath the romanic sky, waiting for me like a good girl?
When I pass the kitchen quarters, I decide to peak into the fridge and see a massive amount of produce to choose from. I decide to take some strawberries for us to eat, too.
The stars are shining brighter as I make my way back to her. And can you believe she is just the way I left her? I feared she’d be gone like the worst parts of me whisper in lies that I won’t allow to distract me.