Page 27 of Two Beasts
The chorus from the audience grows louder above our sexual moans, everyone wondering who will win this game. I have no idea anymore. I’m sore and sated, but Nathan’s relentless, determined to fuck me breathless.
He flips me over on my hands and knees and has me facing the wall, directly in Vincent’s line of sight from the chair in the corner. Vincent looks impassive, studying us fucking as he sips his favorite wine, his cock still hard. Vincent pours another glass to the rim, his eyes never leaving mine, and I imagine Nathan’s cum filling me up inside just as the ruby red wine has filled up that glass.
Nathan takes me by surprise and flips me to my back, his hips relentlessly plowing into me and never missing a single thrust inside my tight pussy. “Oh god…” I whimper, and I wrap my arms and legs around Nathan and rake my fingers through his hair as he continues to fuck me. and Vincent stands up and walks over with a glass of wine and dumps it all over my tits. The smell of the wine is a bit sharp but in a nice way, and Vincent leans down to lick it off my chest, and I really want to know what Nathan’s cum tastes like mixed with the wine.
“Come…oh god…” My words are lost as the pain washes over me, and I can’t take anymore. I think there might not be an end to this. Vincent goes back over to the chair where the wine is and picks it up and pours another glass. He comes back over and sits on the edge of the bed, sipping his wine as his thumb traces circles around my pebbled nipple. He studies me with a new calm he never has before. My eyes close as exhaustion takes over. I’m very tired and sore and praying for a reprieve from Nathan’s endless fucking. I tug at his hair and cry out. Nathan’s eyes pierce me with a hard, lustful glare as he draws his cock from my pussy and shoots his cum all over my face and tits. I shut my eyes and let the wave of pain, exhaustion, pleasure all wash through me before a cold splash coats my chest. I look up at Vincent swaying panting low and dangling the now empty bottle of wine above my cum-covered tits.
Nathan rolls to the side, and Vincent spoons against me, wedged between these two princes who are set to be my kings. We all lie there panting, sweaty, exhausted in the best most delicious way.
“What’s the score?” Nathan actually wonders.
“I don’t know – guess we’ll have to do it all over again.”
The audience laughs and cheers.
Chapter Eleven
I wake up to find myself alone, which I suppose is for the best, if Isadora had any plans for the day. If it were up to me, I don’t think I’d ever want Isadora to leave our bed. I see that Vincent is also an early riser. Not surprising. I should join them, countries unfortunately do not govern themselves, and there are matters of state that I should attend to.
I rise from bed and head into the shower. As the hot water washes over me, I feel strangely hopefully. Never in a million years did I think this strange alliance would work. God knows I opposed it, but my sweet Isadora is nothing like the spoiled princesses I’d encountered before. She’s smart and kind and actually knows how to govern. I didn’t think I could fall so easily in love, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that my desire for Isadora is more than physical. I love her, and I think that Nathan may love her as well. When I see him look at Isadora, I don’t see the usual guile in his eyes. I think Isadora truly allows him to be himself. I’m not sure that I trust Nathan completely, but if he is in love with Isadora that’s best for all of us. If I can’t trust him, I can surely trust his love for our wife. I step from the shower and wrap a towel around my waist, before walking into the dressing room I now share with Nathan. He’s staring into a drawer as if staring is going to make whatever he’s looking for appear. Maybe he’s trying to silently manipulate the drawer into giving up his contents. I don’t bother to hide my chuckle. “Lost something?” I ask. I walk to my side of the room and select a navy suit from the closet. I open the other side and start looking for a shirt. “My cufflinks, and I see you’re finally awake,” Nathan replies opening another drawer. “Over exert yourself at the Bedding Ceremony last night.”
His own yawn interrupts the barb. Though there didn’t seem to be any real animosity behind it.